Sandalore Secret: The Surprising Oil for Luscious Locks

As you get older, your hair changes… and not for the better. It thins. It gets more brittle. And your once Rapunzel-like locks begin growing at a snail’s pace. At some point, you accept these changes, just like you accept the lines around your eyes, the age spots and your sudden need for drugstore reading glasses. But maybe you don’t have to.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for accepting the aging process and loving your body unconditionally through all stages of life. But if there’s something you can do to safely counteract a less-than-pleasant side effect of aging, I’m all for that too.

And in the case of your dwindling hair reserves, there is something you can do — use a sandalwood-like oil called Sandalore.

Sandalore keeps your follicles active and your hair growing

Sandalwood oil’s been used for centuries in Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat fevers, burns, infections, rashes and more. But recent research shows a sandalwood-like oil called Sandalore could support aging hair follicles too.

Researchers from the University of Manchester found that Sandalore helps hair follicles survive longer and produce more growth factor (a natural substance your body produces to stimulate hair growth).

Previous lab studies already showed that Sandalore helps human skin cells regenerate by increasing production of the protein keratin. So, researchers wanted to see if it had a regenerative effect on hair too.

They soaked human scalp skin samples in synthetic sandalwood for six days. And in under a week, they saw a remarkable change — hair follicles stayed active longer.

In case you don’t know, hair growth happens in three stages. First, stimulation at the root causes follicle cells to turn into hair. Then, follicle cells stop being converted into hair. Finally, the hair gets expelled and the follicle that produced it enters a period of rest. Researchers found that Sandalore oil makes the first stage of hair growth last longer… which means more hair.

But how exactly does a scented oil prolong the hair growth process?

Researchers believe that Sandalore stimulates hair growth by acting on a smell receptor in the scalp called OR2AT4. You read that right. There are smell receptors in your scalp. And researchers say the presence of these receptors means your hair follicles might actually be able to smell. Strange stuff.

Should you use Sandalore?

Unfortunately, researchers found that regular-old sandalwood oil didn’t affect hair follicles the same way Sandalore did. That’s bad news because Sandalore is synthetic.

You can still try the natural stuff if you want. It’s a well-known folk remedy for hair loss and other hair issues. But for the best results, you may have to resort to the synthetic variety. It’s available online.

If you’re on the fence about trying a synthetic fragrance to improve your hair, I hear you. I’m not a fan of synthetic fragrances myself. Thankfully, there is a natural option with scientific support behind it —  peppermint oil. A 2014 study found that it stimulated hair growth too.

No matter which oil you decide to use, never apply it directly to your scalp undiluted. Mix it with a carrier oil like argan oil (which is also great for your hair, by the way). Or you can add a few drops of oil to your favorite shampoo. That’s an easy-as-pie way to make any hair oil a natural part of your daily beauty ritual.


Aging changes in hair and nails — Medline Plus.
Synthetic sandalwood found to prolong human hair growth — MedicalXpress.
Olfactory receptor OR2AT4 regulates human hair growth — Nature.