Safeguard Your Family: The Surprising Breastfeeding Benefit Against Arsenic Exposure

When infants are exposed to arsenic during pregnancy or as newborns, they face an increased risk of premature death, low birth weight, and potential neurodevelopmental difficulties. Further, in adults, arsenic exposure can have serious consequences, such as suppressing the immune system and driving inflammation, which is the leading cause behind countless chronic diseases.

While the risks are clear, there are effective ways to mitigate arsenic exposure. Breastfeeding has an important impact on lowering arsenic exposure for infant newborns. A study conducted by Dartmouth College demonstrates that babies fed on formula have higher levels of arsenic in their bodies as compared to those who are breast-fed. Additionally, the research showed that the breast milk itself contains very low levels of arsenic.

The study analyzed the arsenic levels in the tap water of New Hampshire families. With a sample of 72 6-week-old infants and breast milk from nine women, this study showed that breast-fed infants displayed 7.5 times lower levels of urinary arsenic than those who were formula-fed. The research highlights that while tap water had more arsenic than the powdered formula, the latter still contained a measurable level of arsenic.

Researcher Kathryn Cottingham emphasizes the public health benefits of breastfeeding, as it significantly reduces arsenic exposure even at low levels. While arsenic originates in the bedrock, it can easily contaminate well water. The Environmental Protection Agency enforces a maximum level for public drinking water – however, private well water remains exempt from such regulations. To minimize exposure, researcher-author Professor Margaret Karagas suggests that families with private wells test their tap water for arsenic.

One of the greatest benefits of breast milk is its ability to protect newborns from environmental toxins. Similarly, we as adults can follow the example set by newborns to protect ourselves from the potential dangers of arsenic exposure. A powerful and effective method for this is oral detoxification, using a chemical compound called EDTA. EDTA’s capability to protect the body from toxins such as arsenic is undeniable and significant.

At the University of Michigan, scientists and researchers worldwide gathered to attend a conference centering around toxic heavy metals. Among the studies presented was an oral chelation trial, which charted the heavy metal urine analyses of 14 patients between the ages of 29 and 73. Results from this trial highlighted that after just one day of oral EDTA, the excretion of six critical toxic heavy metals increased nearly throughout. This includes a 661% increase in arsenic excretion.

To take advantage of the benefits of EDTA, make sure to purchase EDTA capsules containing at least one gram of EDTA from a health food store. It’s recommended to take the capsule on an empty stomach with a full glass of water. Keep in mind that EDTA is a specific detox method and should be administered in cycles – take it for one week, take a week off, take it for another week, and then discontinue its use for at least a month. By following this routine, you can effectively shield your body from the potential risks posed by arsenic exposure.