Could Your Coffee Habit Be Sneaking Up Your Blood Pressure?

Drinking coffee has been associated with numerous benefits, among them maintaining cognitive function and lowering the risk of various cancers like those of the prostate, breast, and liver. With a daily dose of coffee, you can reduce the risk of these diseases and enjoy a longer, healthier life.

Coffee Concerns

Despite the many advantages of consuming coffee, there are some cases in which it can lead to unintended consequences. The caffeine in that cup of coffee may make you more alert and ready for the day but could also cause your heart rate to accelerate, which can lead to shortness of breath, sweating, and an overall feeling of anxiety. If you experience any of these symptoms, it may be time to decrease your intake or switch to decaffeinated options.

In addition, drinking too much coffee can lead to another significant issue — dehydration. Because coffee has a diuretic effect, increasing your consumption of it can make you more prone to dehydration. This can result in several adverse effects, including:

  • Joint pain
  • Headaches
  • Skin disorders
  • Bladder problems
  • Kidney problems
  • High blood pressure

A Personal Account

It’s essential to be aware of any changes in your health and to address them before they become significant issues. A brother of the author serves as an illustrative example of a serious health problem that was corrected by simply decreasing coffee intake.

The brother, a model of good health for his age, had always had a blood pressure within the normal range. But after recently doubling his coffee intake by having an additional cup before and after dinner, his systolic pressure increased to over 155 in just ten days. This high blood pressure could have led him to be prescribed medication by his doctor, but he chose to eliminate the extra cups of coffee instead. By making this change and replacing them with water, his blood pressure returned to normal within days.

Striking a Balance

Research shows that coffee has many benefits to offer the average drinker. By consuming a cup or two a day, you can protect your brain, maintain energy levels, and lower your risk for several cancers. However, it’s essential to find a balance in your coffee consumption to prevent potentially harmful side effects. By monitoring changes in your health, you can avoid many severe issues before they develop into real problems.

For more information on the benefits of coffee, visit:
1. J Alzheimer’s Disease
2. J National Cancer Institute
3. Breast Cancer Research
4. International Journal of Cancer