Bask in the Glow: How Sun Rays Can Boost Your Health and Zap Pain Away

Sunlight is crucial for sustaining life, and one of its components, far infrared radiation (FIR), is known for its numerous health benefits ranging from pain relief and disease prevention to weight loss. Science has discovered ways to isolate FIR from sunlight for people to enjoy its healing properties whenever needed.

What is Far Infrared Radiation?

The sun emits electromagnetic radiation, and one subdivision of this spectrum is the thermal radiation, referred to as far infrared radiation. FIR has been extensively researched for its positive effects on humans at a biological level. As explained by an article in the journal Photonics & Lasers in Medicine, FIR influences the body through cells, cell membranes, cell fluid, and DNA/proteins. It can alter cell membrane potentials and mitochondrial metabolism.

Health Benefits of Far Infrared Radiation

FIR can penetrate the human body beneath the skin surface, causing beneficial effects on the metabolism, mitochondria, and cell membranes. While increasing heart rate and inducing sweating, FIR can also trigger relaxation.

Using an FIR heating pad or sauna allows the thermal radiation to penetrate the body, leading to cellular changes and an enhanced parasympathetic system. These effects result in an increased metabolism. Therefore, even though you feel relaxed, your body reacts as if it were physically working out, sweating in the process. This counter-intuitive phenomenon leads to several positive changes, which have been clinically studied.

  1. Toxin release: FIR induces sweating, allowing the body to easily eliminate stored toxins.

  2. Blood pressure reduction: Studies have shown that FIR therapy can help lower blood pressure.

  3. Electro smog protection: FIR reduces the harmful effects of electro smog, which refers to cell-damaging electromagnetic frequency (EMF) radiation from Wi-Fi, cell phones, and computers.

  4. Non-pharmaceutical pain relief: FIR improves blood circulation and boosts oxygen levels, thus reducing chronic pain without medication.

  5. Chronic fatigue syndrome alleviation: FIR can reduce the fatigue, pain, sleep disturbances, and low-grade fever symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.

  6. Rheumatoid arthritis relief: FIR therapy can reduce painful symptoms and stiffness in rheumatoid arthritis patients.

  7. Type II diabetes mellitus support: FIR has been found to improve the quality of life in patients with type II diabetes mellitus.

  8. Low back pain management: There are significant clinical improvements in pain and quality of life among office workers with low back pain after adhering to FIR therapy.

  9. Motor and nerve function improvement: FIR is considered a novel and non-invasive therapy that enhances motor and nerve functions.

  10. Skin rejuvenation: Far infrared radiation therapy can stimulate collagen and elastin production for firmer and plumper skin.

Types of Far Infrared Radiation Devices

There are various products available that generate FIR for therapeutic use, such as FIR mats, lamps, and saunas.

  • FIR Mats: These mats often contain jade or other stones that capture electric source and generate FIR waves through their connection to the body. They come in different sizes and are often used to treat neck or back pain.

  • FIR Lamps: Lamps can be placed approximately a foot over the body to target specific areas in need of healing. These lamps usually have a mineral coating, which emits FIR waves that are absorbed by the body. Many traditional Chinese medicine practitioners use them.

  • FIR Saunas: FIR saunas are ideal for overall pain relief and detoxification, as the whole body is exposed to thermal radiation. They increase body temperature and metabolism, causing profuse sweating and positively affecting cells and membranes. An affordable, foldable sauna can be easily purchased online, with no need for fancy setups.

Whether you are managing a chronic health issue or aiming to improve overall well-being, long-term FIR therapy can be highly beneficial. Clinical studies have shown its potential in reversing diseases and healing ailments without adverse effects. Begin your journey to rejuvenation by incorporating FIR therapy into your routine today.