Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is an ongoing and debilitating issue that affects individuals on a physical and mental level. Common symptoms include muscle and joint pain, headaches, disturbed sleep, and depression, among others. Treating CFS requires a holistic approach, paying attention to all potential causes and making lifestyle changes to better the patient’s quality of life.
Determining the Cause
The causes of CFS can differ greatly, often involving a mix of factors. Some research points to lowered immune activity, while other studies have found links to an underlying retroviral infection, oxidative stress, heavy metal toxicity, or nutritional deficiency. Due to this wide range, it’s vital to work with a trained professional to establish a correct diagnosis and begin treatment.
Boosting the Immune System
One way to address chronic fatigue is through natural supplements and herbs that boost immune activity and circulation and regulate the body’s adaptogenic responses. Adaptogenic responses pertain to how the body deals with stress and illness. When stress turns chronic, the adrenal glands can become exhausted, causing fatigue to worsen. Providing adrenal and immune support is crucial in treating CFS.
A mushroom formula has proven effective in boosting immune activity and removing toxins while elevating the body’s vital energy. Likewise, a targeted circulation formula that includes medicinal mushrooms, Chinese herbs, Nattokinase, and L-Carnitine can reduce inflammation and improve antioxidant activity.
Anti-Inflammatory Diet
CFS patients can also benefit from adopting a diet rich in antioxidants, green leafy vegetables, and cruciferous vegetables while minimizing sugar and processed foods. While first transitioning to a more nutrient-rich diet, it’s normal to experience discomfort or cleansing reactions. It may also be helpful to monitor your reactions to foods, as food allergies can sometimes trigger CFS symptoms.
Clearing Toxins
Heavy metal toxicity and toxins from environmental pollutants can contribute to CFS. It’s essential to undergo heavy metal toxicity testing and, if results are positive, begin treatment to remove toxic metals safely from the body. Removing mercury amalgams from dental fillings may be another course of action.
Creating Movement
Often, CFS sufferers have the necessary energy but struggle to access it. By creating movement and clearing blockages on a physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual level, patients can tap into their energy reserves more easily. Some examples of this ancient wisdom include acupuncture, yoga, Qi Gong, and other therapies that promote energetic flow. Additionally, hyperbaric oxygen therapies may benefit CFS patients.
Maintaining a Healthy Immune System
Creating a wellness plan that supports a healthy immune system and maintains appropriate stress responses is vital in treating chronic fatigue. This plan may include steps to address hormonal imbalances, enzyme and nutrient deficiencies, toxins, allergies, and viral infections.
While treating CFS can seem daunting, it’s important to remember that every effort contributes to the overall success of your healing journey. With the help and guidance of dedicated practitioners, balance and health can be regained.