Bend Your Way to Happy Hips: Try the Easy Butterfly Pose Today!

Tight hips can prevent you from enjoying an active, fulfilling life and limit your ability to perform daily activities such as walking, hiking, biking, and gardening. That’s why it’s crucial to maintain a good range of motion in your hips. For many people, their range of motion in the hips is restricted due to old injuries or just from sitting for extended periods. In this article, we’ll discuss yoga’s butterfly pose, an easy stretch that can help open up your hips and improve flexibility. We’ll also cover three variations of the pose, so anyone can benefit from this hip-opening exercise.

How to begin

Start by sitting on the floor with the soles of your feet touching in front of you and your knees out to the sides. Bring your heels as close to your body as possible. Some people may find this easy, while others may find it more challenging. Your starting level of hip flexibility will determine how difficult it is for you.

While performing this stretch, keep your spine upright and sit on your sits bones. Keep your abdomen pulled in towards your spine and your chest held up.

Butterfly Pose Version 1: Hand support

If you’re less flexible at the beginning, this pose can be difficult. To maintain an upright spine, you can place your hands behind your hips with your palms on the floor for support. Just make sure that your shoulders don’t rise when you use this position.

This starting position is also an excellent complete stretch if it’s all you can manage. Sit in this supported position and relax. Breathe in and out rhythmically, allowing your hips to relax and your knees to drop towards the floor.

Butterfly Pose Version 2: Holding the feet

If you find Version 1 too easy or have held that position for 30 seconds as a warm-up, you can progress to the next variation. For this version, hold your feet with your hands. Gently allow your upper body to fall forward into the stretch, increasing the hip stretch’s depth. You can use your hands to pull yourself down a bit more for an even deeper stretch.

If you can bend far enough forward and your elbows touch your legs, you can then use your elbows to press down on your calves for an even deeper hip-opening stretch.

Butterfly Pose Version 3: Elevated seat

If sitting on the floor is challenging or painful for your hips, you can sit on a Pilates block, thick book, or stack of pillows to elevate your hips. All the same rules and methods mentioned in the previous versions apply to this variation. The elevation merely makes it easier for your hips to pivot into the stretch.

Tips for practicing the butterfly pose

While performing any version of the butterfly pose, try to keep your spine straight and avoid hunching forward. Hunching might allow your head to fall close to the ground, but it won’t help you achieve the desired stretch.

Whenever you reach a tight spot during the stretch, don’t force it. Instead, hold the position, breathe slowly and deeply, and allow your body to relax and your hips to open up naturally.

Hold each pose for 30 seconds, sit up slowly, and repeat at least three times. By incorporating the butterfly pose into your routine, you can open your hips and improve your lower body’s mobility, leading to a safer and more active lifestyle.

For more information on improving hip flexibility, check out these resources from Yoga Journal and Harvard Health.