Boost Brain Power After 50: The Bedroom Activity That Sharpens Your Mind

You might think that eating healthy and exercising regularly is enough to ensure your cognitive health in later life, but recent studies have shown that sexual activity is a significant factor too. Starting right now, you can make additional improvements to your long-term cognitive health by maintaining an active sex life.

The Bedroom Boost for Brain Health

In a research collaboration between Coventry and Oxford Universities, it was found that an active sex life provides a powerful way to maintain brain health while aging. The study was published in The Journals of Gerontology.

The study included 73 people aged 50 to 83, who took a variety of cognitive tests that measured attention, memory, fluency, language, and visuospatial ability. Participants were also asked how often they engaged in sexual activity in the past year.

Participants who reported having sex on a weekly basis showed better cognitive function, including improved performance in verbal fluency and visuospatial ability tests. The results suggest that the working memory and executive function of these individuals operated at a higher level than those who engaged in sexual activity less frequently.

The study strengthens the findings of a similar 2016 study, which also found that older adults who had more sex had improved cognitive abilities.

Why It Works

Although the exact reasons are still not entirely known, researchers suspect that frequent sexual activity leads to improved brainpower in older adults because of certain brain chemicals released during sex, specifically dopamine and oxytocin, and the subsequent effect those chemicals have on overall brain function.

Keep the Passion Alive

It’s well worth nurturing your sex life if your cognitive health is important to you. For many people, this means pushing aside the stereotype that your sex life ends or significantly slows down as you get older. It’s crucial to stay sexually active well past your 50s if you want to have the best long-term cognitive health possible.

According to lead researcher Dr. Hayley Wright from Coventry University’s Centre for Research in Psychology, Behavior, and Achievement, recognizing the importance of sexual activity for adults over 50 is essential for maintaining cognitive health.

Nourish Your Brain and Your Sex Life

It’s fascinating that some of the nutrients needed for optimal brain health, like enhanced mental performance and improved memory, are the same nutrients your body requires for producing sex hormones. However, it’s important to note that millions of Americans are taking medications that can deplete essential nutrients, which can negatively impact brain and sexual health. Be mindful of medications that you’re taking and the potential for nutrient depletion, and make adjustments as needed to keep your brain and sex life well-fed and thriving.

Next time you focus on improving your health and well-being, consider your cognitive health and the role that sexual activity plays in keeping your brain functioning at its best. Don’t let stereotypes tell you that your sex life has to slow down or stop as you age—embrace your sexuality and relish in the knowledge that you’re making a positive impact on your long-term cognitive health.