Boost Your Get-Up-And-Go: 6 Simple Tips to Kick Fatigue to the Curb

Day after day, more than 2 million Americans suffer from fatigue, and over four million have been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. When you feel exhausted all the time, it affects every aspect of your life. Fatigue can lead to poor focus, unhealthy eating habits, chronic aches and pains, a short temper, and even depression.

The good news is that you can make great strides towards boosting your energy and reducing fatigue with these simple six lifestyle changes:

1. Prioritize Sleep

The importance of restorative rest and sleep can’t be overstated when it comes to rejuvenating your mind and body, keeping your energy levels high, and banishing fatigue. Many symptoms of fatigue, such as foggy thinking, difficulty remembering things, and muscle issues, are all connected to poor sleep. Most experts agree that the optimal time for sleeping is between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. Check out these great tips for improving your sleep habits.

2. Eat Right

Food plays a crucial role in our overall wellness, providing both energy and, in some cases, fatigue. Eating too much in one sitting requires lots of energy to digest and often leads to a “food coma.” Additionally, research has shown that eating less can lead to a longer life. Avoid energy-sapping foods like soda, sugar, and simple carbohydrates (white bread, rice, and potatoes), and opt for fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and plenty of water instead.

3. Minimize Stress

Stress takes a toll on your health and steals energy, negatively impacting your quality of life. To better manage stress, try reframing the way you view the world, events, and your place in them. Take breaks from the 24-hour news cycle and manage your time to create a balanced work/life schedule. Make time for hobbies and activities you enjoy.

4. Practice Meditation

Meditation allows you to spend time with yourself, shutting out the noise of the world. Not only does it help you relax, but it can also reduce stress levels. Additionally, meditation helps decrease the production of stress hormones like cortisol, which sap energy and cause fatigue. By quieting the mind, slowing your breathing, and promoting self-healing, meditation helps combat both mental and physical fatigue. Daoist Meditation is a simple method worth exploring.

5. Get Moving

You don’t have to look far for a compelling reason to exercise regularly. The more often you use your energy, the more energy your body produces as a result. On the flip side, living a sedentary lifestyle makes you feel more fatigued over time. Exercise promotes feelings of well-being by allowing you to release anger, move your blood, sweat out toxins, and stimulate the production of endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine. Mixing up your routine with activities like running, walking, weight training, and aerobics keeps things interesting and fun.

6. Express Gratitude

One of the simplest ways to free up energy and reduce fatigue is to express gratitude as often as possible. Each day, let those around you know how grateful you are for their help, work, friendship, and more. Tell your spouse, children, or parents how much you love them. Look around and take note of the things you’re grateful for—a steady paycheck, clean air, a comfortable chair, your new book, and so on. Feeling gratitude for even the smallest things makes life richer and seems to dissolve mental fog and physical fatigue. Keeping a Gratitude Journal is an effective way to maintain a long-term gratitude practice.

By incorporating these six lifestyle changes into your daily routine, you’re bound to notice improvements in energy levels and reductions in fatigue—ultimately leading to a happier, healthier life.