Brush Up Your Dental Routine to Fight Off Esophageal Cancer Risks

Improving your dental hygiene could potentially reduce your risk for esophageal cancer. Recent research has tied the bacteria associated with gum disease to cases of throat cancer, so it’s worth putting in that extra effort to maintain good oral health. In a study, tissue samples were tested from 100 patients with squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) and 30 normal controls, finding that 61% of the patients with ESCC had the bacteria responsible for causing gingivitis in their systems.

These findings provide the first direct evidence that P. gingivalis infection could be a novel risk factor for ESCC. Huizhi Wang, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Oral Immunology and Infectious Diseases at the UofL School of Dentistry, suggested that if confirmed, it would indicate that eradicating a common oral pathogen may contribute to a reduction in the significant number of people suffering from ESCC.

Researchers were not sure whether ESCC cells somehow favored P. gingivalis to thrive, or if the infection of P. gingivalis facilitated the actual development of esophageal cancer. If the former is true, Wang indicated that simple antibiotics might prove useful, or other therapeutic approaches using genetic technology to target P. gingivalis and ultimately destroy the cancer cells could be developed.

If P. gingivalis proves to be the cause of ESCC, the implications are enormous. It would suggest that improving oral hygiene may reduce ESCC risk; screening for P. gingivalis in dental plaque may identify susceptible subjects; and the use of antibiotics or other anti-bacterial strategies may prevent the progression of ESCC.

Natural ways to prevent esophageal cancer

Although antibiotics were mentioned as a potential anti-cancer therapy, it is well-known that antibiotics have their own drawbacks. The first and most sensible step would be to improve habits that could protect you from gum disease, such as brushing your teeth after every meal, flossing at least once a day, and swishing your mouth with mouthwash.

There are also vitamins and supplements that can protect the health of your mouth:

  • Probiotics: Extensive research continues to highlight the roles probiotics play in supporting and maintaining various areas of health beyond digestion. In the case of dental health, several probiotic strains have been shown in published research to support healthy oral bacteria and fight throat and respiratory infections. A strain called BLIS K12 (Streptococcus salivarius) is a key component of a healthy oral bacterial environment. When taken as a supplement, BLIS K12 can help fight pathogenic infections in the mouth and reduce inflammation.

  • Pure honokiol extract: Honokiol is an active phytochemical extracted from the bark of the Magnolia officinalis tree, which has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine. Honokiol has demonstrated important health benefits, including strong infection-fighting actions to maintain periodontal health.

  • Tibetan Herbal Formula: This powerful herbal formula has been shown in more than 30 published clinical trials to support immunity, maintain healthy inflammation responses, and promote circulation. In regards to dental health, published clinical research shows that this unique blend of herbs and extracts helps fight inflammation and infection in the teeth and gums, potentially reducing the need for root canals.

  • Vitamin D3: Vitamin D3 is essential for numerous areas of health, including bone health and has been linked to periodontitis by some research. One study has shown that vitamin D3 may support periodontal health in people with diabetes.

By combining good oral hygiene habits and considering the supplements listed above, you can potentially lower the risk of developing esophageal cancer. However, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional before adding any supplements to your routine.