Chew on This: Easy, Natural Fixes for Acid Indigestion Without the High Cost

Bloating and heartburn can put a real damper on your daily routine, and many people rely on pharmaceutical drugs to help alleviate the symptoms of acid indigestion. The popular drug, Nexium, is one of Big Pharma’s best-sellers for treating indigestion, raking in $16 million a day. But why waste money on pricey drugs when you can take simple, natural steps to alleviate heartburn and indigestion?

Chew your food thoroughly

Believe it or not, simply chewing your food better might be the most basic yet effective way to reduce heartburn. Inadequate chewing can disrupt your digestive tract and send waves of uncomfortable acid upstream into your esophagus and mouth. Food chunks that enter your intestines unchewed are broken down by bacteria, causing a buildup of gas and increasing pressure on your digestive system.

Boost your digestion with L-glutamate

For a helping hand with digestion, consider L-glutamate—an amino acid and protein-building block that stimulates pepsin, a digestive enzyme produced in your stomach. Pepsin supports your digestive tract in absorbing and assimilating the protein in the foods you eat. Pair L-glutamate with betaine hydrochloride (betaine HCL) to maintain proper stomach acidity and support your intestines.

If you often suffer from heartburn, take betaine HCL at every meal. It can help your stomach process proteins and may reduce the likelihood of you responding to allergens in your food. Plus, it’s much cheaper than medication and doesn’t come with any side effects.

Consider digestive enzyme supplements

Another option to support digestion is digestive enzyme supplements. These enzymes ensure that food breaks down into component parts so that they can be absorbed through your intestinal walls.

When choosing an enzyme supplement, look for products containing proteases (for protein digestion), lipase (for fat digestion), and amylase (for starch digestion).

Cut down on processed snacks

If you’re prone to acid indigestion, try cutting back on processed snacks. These foods are packed with starches, sugar, and damaged fats that can disrupt digestion. Unlike whole, fresh foods, processed items lack natural fibers and enzymes that facilitate smooth digestion.

Additional tips for managing acid indigestion

Maintain a healthy weight

Being overweight can put additional pressure on your abdomen and diaphragm, which can worsen acid indigestion. Adopting a balanced diet and getting regular exercise can help you reach and maintain a healthy weight and ease the symptoms of indigestion.

Avoid eating just before bed

Give your stomach a few hours to digest your dinner before you lie down for the evening. Eating too close to bedtime means your body will still be working to digest your food while you’re horizontal, increasing the chance of acid rising into your esophagus.

Keep a food diary

Record what you eat and when you experience acid indigestion to help you identify patterns and individual triggers. It may be that specific foods or eating habits cause heartburn, and understanding the source can help you adjust your diet accordingly.

Avoid stress and relax

Many people find that their indigestion becomes worse during times of stress. Making the effort to relax and unwind can help alleviate symptoms and improve your overall well-being.

Stay hydrated

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help keep your digestive system working smoothly and reduce the risk of indigestion.

In summary, while drugs might offer relief from bloating and heartburn, they come at a cost and may have undesirable side effects. By adopting healthier habits, like thorough chewing and cutting down on processed foods, and trying natural aids like L-glutamate and betaine HCL, you can manage acid indigestion the natural way. Your body and wallet will thank you.