Crush Cravings with Caveman Eats: The Paleo Fiber Fix for Fullness!

If weight loss is your goal, but hunger and cravings are constantly tempting you to throw in the towel, it’s time to introduce the ultimate appetite suppressant to your diet. The best part? This magical, appetite-killing molecule called acetate is natural and easily accessible. All you need to do is incorporate the right paleo foods at your next meal.

The Science behind Acetate

A group of European researchers, including from the prestigious Imperial College London and the Medical Research Council (MRC), discovered that consuming foods high in dietary fiber causes the bacteria in your intestines to ferment these insoluble carbohydrates and release substantial amounts of acetate. When this acetate enters your bloodstream and reaches your brain, it effectively shuts down your appetite.

Fiber-Packed Foods from the Paleo Diet

Plants and vegetables are abundant in fiber, unlike most processed food. A paleo diet, which consists mainly of fruits and vegetables, is inherently fiber-rich, making it the ideal solution to easily consume more natural and healthy nutrients.

“The average diet in Europe today contains about 15 g of fiber per day,” says researcher Gary Frost from the Department of Medicine at Imperial College London. “In Stone Age times, we ate about 100g per day but now we favor low-fiber ready-made meals over vegetables, pulses, and other sources of fiber. Unfortunately, our digestive system has not yet evolved to deal with this modern diet and this mismatch contributes to the current obesity epidemic. Our research has shown that the release of acetate is central to how fiber suppresses our appetite and this could help scientists to tackle overeating.”

Kickstarting the Process: Increasing Your Fiber

So, how do you go about obtaining more appetite-suppressing acetate in your system? The answer is simple – ensure you’re eating enough fiber. Here are some excellent paleo-friendly foods to help you increase your fiber intake:

  1. Non-starchy vegetables: Consuming a variety of non-starchy vegetables is one of the easiest ways to increase your fiber intake. Spinach, kale, and collard greens have a minimum of three grams of fiber per cup. And let’s not forget about the nutrient benefits in these leafy powerhouses! Throw them into a smoothie, eat them raw, or cook them to suit your personal preference.

  2. Berries: Berries contain varying quantities of fiber depending on the specific type. For example, in one cup, raspberries contain eight grams of fiber, blackberries have seven grams, and blueberries contain three and a half grams of fiber.

  3. Nuts and seeds: A handful of nuts or seeds could be your new best friend when it comes to increasing fiber intake. For example, almonds contain three and a half grams of fiber per ounce (approximately 23 nuts), while chia seeds can deliver an incredible 11 grams of fiber in just a single ounce!

  4. Avocado: Perhaps nature’s most perfect and creamy fruit, avocados pack nearly 14 grams of fiber into one serving (the whole fruit). As a bonus, they also contain healthy monounsaturated fats for weight loss support.

  5. Winter squash: Winter squash, such as butternut squash, is often overlooked as a fiber source – but with nine grams per cup when cooked, it’s easy to see why it should make an appearance on your plate.

  6. Sweet potato: One medium-sized sweet potato boasts five grams of fiber. It can be enjoyed as a delicious side dish or turned into tasty sweet potato fries (by baking, not frying – to keep it paleo-friendly).

  7. Dark chocolate: Yes, even this delicious treat can help you increase your fiber intake! Choose a dark chocolate with a high cacao percentage (preferably over 85%), and enjoy approximately three grams of fiber in a one-ounce serving.

Looking Forward

By embracing the paleo lifestyle and incorporating these foods into your meals, increasing your fiber intake becomes second nature. Not only will you be quelling your appetite by consuming more acetate, but you will also be reaping the many health benefits associated with a diet rich in whole, natural foods.

Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight doesn’t have to be a battle full of hunger and cravings. By incorporating fiber-packed, paleo-friendly foods, you can successfully keep those urges at bay and enjoy the benefits of a more balanced, nutritious diet.