Ditching Anti-Nutrients: My Journey to Beat “Incurable” MS Through Food and Lifestyle Changes

Incurable diseases may not be as untreatable as previously believed. After being diagnosed with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, I began researching the interaction between our genetic makeup, diet, and lifestyle choices. By changing my diet and lifestyle, I halted the progression of my “incurable and progressive” disease, improving my mental and physical function.

Now, instead of only treating disease symptoms, I teach people how to restore health and vitality by maximizing the nutrition for our cells. Increasing our intake of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and essential fats and removing harmful anti-nutrients that increase inflammation can lead to more energy, improved mental clarity, and diminished disease symptoms.

Focusing on Nutrition

In the U.S., half of the population does not meet the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for water-soluble vitamins (that includes C and B vitamins), and two-thirds do not meet the RDA for minerals like magnesium, calcium, and zinc. A lack of these essential nutrients contributes to an epidemic of “incurable” diseases, including autoimmune diseases and other problems such as asthma, atherosclerosis, and allergic rhinitis.

While we cannot change our DNA, we can change our eating habits and lifestyle choices to directly impact our health. To boost our nutrient intake and remove anti-nutrients from our diets, we must prioritize foods that provide high levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants so our bodies can function at their highest potential.

The Wahls™ Diet

I developed the Wahls™ Diet to help individuals maximize their nutrition and avoid anti-nutrients. At its core, the diet recommends consuming grass-fed meat, organ meat, 9 cups of vegetables daily, and sea vegetables. By prioritizing nutrient-rich foods, such as those mentioned above, individuals can lose weight without hunger, experience improved mental clarity and energy, and experience less severe health issues, regardless of the underlying conditions.

Avoiding Phytates and Lectins

One valuable step toward improving immune health is avoiding phytates and lectins. Phytates bind minerals and, for some individuals, can significantly increase inflammation. Similarly, lectins make minerals less absorbable and contribute to inflammation, “sticking” to intestines and limiting nutrient absorption.

Foods high in phytates include grains, which is why the Wahls™ Diet is effective in reducing inflammation and boosting immune system power. Beans, lentils, eggplants, and some grains also contain anti-nutrient lectins.

Improving Health through Diet

By focusing on nutrient-dense foods, limiting grains and other inflammatory foods, and prioritizing essential vitamins and antioxidants, individuals can see tremendous improvements in their health. The simple act of changing one’s diet can have dramatic effects on the quality of life, reducing the severity of “incurable” diseases and improving overall health and well-being.

No matter your current health challenges, taking control of your dietary choices and seeking out nutrient-rich foods can bring about meaningful change in your life. It’s time to reclaim your health and vitality and start living life to the fullest.