Dodge Diabetes and Breast Cancer with Nature’s Help

The link between diabetes and an increased risk of developing breast cancer has been established for a while now. However, you might not be aware that if you have diabetes or insulin resistance, the likelihood of getting late-stage breast cancer is much higher, as is the risk of death compared with those who don’t have diabetes. There are two possible reasons for this. The first is that diagnosis might be delayed for those with diabetes due to the attention given to existing health concerns. The second and more crucial reason is that diabetes might fuel tumor growth more rapidly since an excess of insulin can act as a growth factor for breast tumors.

In a five-year study, researchers evaluated the stage at diagnosis in women found to have invasive breast cancer. Of the approximately 38,000 women with breast cancer, 16 percent had diabetes. The study revealed that those with diabetes were at a much higher risk of having advanced stage breast cancer than women without diabetes. This risk was particularly evident in younger women and those with a longer history of diabetes.

While media coverage on this study merely encouraged more breast cancer screening, it failed to provide advice on how to prevent breast cancer by targeting the source of the risk: reducing blood sugar levels and excess insulin. One natural solution to this is milk thistle, a powerful and fast-acting herb that has proven to be highly effective at cleansing the liver—an organ that plays a crucial role in diabetes.

Milk Thistle: A Potent Natural Remedy

Milk thistle not only helps cleanse the liver, but it can also significantly lower blood sugar. A study utilizing milk thistle in diabetics suffering from liver cirrhosis showed a considerable blood sugar reduction over 12 months – from a baseline of 190 mg/dl to 165 mg/dl. Moreover, HbA1c levels decreased from 7.9 percent at baseline to 7.2 percent after 12 months.

Additionally, milk thistle is an essential herb for women, as research indicates that it inhibits the formation of breast cancer cells and prevents the spread of tumors. This herb can be found in most health food stores as a concentrated extract. A recommended dosage is between 200 and 400 mg per day. The liver-cleansing active component in milk thistle is called silymarin. To ensure you get the maximum diabetes and cancer-fighting benefits, choose a milk thistle extract containing at least 80% silymarin.

Additional Tips to Reduce Your Risk

While milk thistle plays a significant role in reducing blood sugar levels and hence the risk of breast cancer, some other practices can further help lower the odds:

  1. Diet and nutrition: Maintain a balanced diet that’s high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein sources. Avoid foods with high sugar content or unhealthy trans fats.

  2. Exercise: Regular physical activity not only helps control blood sugar levels, but it has also been proven to lower the risk of various types of cancer, including breast cancer.

  3. Weight management: Keeping body weight in check is essential for overall health and helps reduce the risk of diabetes and breast cancer. Maintain a healthy weight by combining regular exercise with a balanced diet.

  4. Stress reduction: Stress can damage our health in many ways, including increasing the risk of developing chronic diseases like diabetes. Practice various stress-reducing techniques like deep breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga to improve overall health.

By incorporating milk thistle into your routine and following these additional tips, you can decrease your risk of developing both diabetes and breast cancer. It’s never too late to take charge of your health and embrace practices that promote wellness and longevity.