Eat Smart to Guard Your Mind: Simple Foods & Supplements to Lower Alzheimer’s Risk

If you’re worried about Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline as you grow older – you’re not alone. Each year, more than 7.5 million people are diagnosed with some form of dementia, with Alzheimer’s disease as the most common. Even more concerning is that these numbers are rising alongside increasing rates of obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.

So, is there a connection between Alzheimer’s and these metabolic conditions? A growing number of experts believe so. Studies show that insulin dysfunction and its related complications are common factors in these degenerative ailments. This has led to Alzheimer’s being referred to as “type-3 diabetes.”

Insulin’s Role in Alzheimer’s

Insulin is a hormone that instructs cells to absorb glucose (blood sugar). However, when there’s too much glucose in the blood for a prolonged period – typically from an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise – cells become insulin-resistant, a key indicator of type-2 diabetes. Consequently, insulin production increases and eventually burns out, often leading to insulin deficiency or dysfunction.

When insulin function is impaired, cells cannot absorb glucose properly, causing glucose to build up in the body. This triggers various issues, including chronic inflammation and damage to the circulatory system, tissues, and organs – including the brain. Insulin dysfunction and associated metabolic and inflammatory problems in the brain have been observed in patients with different stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Put simply, brain insulin dysfunction deprives neurons of energy and contributes to other dementia features like brain cell death, DNA damage, inflammation, harmful genetic signaling, and the formation of characteristic Alzheimer’s plaques.

Targeted Solutions

While treatments using anti-diabetes drugs that improve insulin function have demonstrated some success in reducing Alzheimer’s symptoms, non-pharmaceutical therapies focused on diet, lifestyle adjustments, and certain supplements are recommended for prevention and long-term maintenance. These solutions might not reverse Alzheimer’s or dementia, but they can support and protect your brain and nervous system while controlling risk factors related to diabetes, metabolic health, obesity, and overall longevity.


A low-glycemic (low sugar) diet is vital for maintaining proper glucose and insulin function and supporting cognitive and overall health. Foods with a low glycemic index (GI) – such as green vegetables, fiber-rich foods, and plant proteins – are digested slowly and cause a gradual increase in blood sugar and insulin levels, according to Harvard’s School of Public Health. Low GI foods offer proven benefits for weight control, disease prevention, and general health.

High GI foods, like white rice, white potatoes, and refined sugars, are quickly digested and absorbed, causing blood sugar levels to spike and leading to insulin resistance and inflammation. In fact, excess sugar has been shown to significantly damage brain cells.


Regular, gentle exercise not only improves insulin function but also supports cognitive health by increasing blood flow to the brain. Dancing combines mental and physical exercise and has been shown to lower Alzheimer’s risk. Stress management is equally important, as chronic stress fuels inflammation and metabolic imbalances. Engaging in social activities, music, and meditation can help reduce risk factors for diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and numerous other conditions.

Herbs and Nutrients

Certain traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic botanicals help promote healthy glucose metabolism and enhance insulin function. Kudzu root, astragalus root, fenugreek seed, cinnamon bark, and medicinal mushrooms like maitake, tremella, and cordyceps are among the recommended options.

Additionally, specific nutrients and compounds have been proven to support insulin and glucose function:

  • L-Taurine helps maintain healthy glucose and lipid levels.
  • Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is an antioxidant that plays a vital role in insulin function.
  • Chromium improves glucose regulation and contributes to healthy metabolism.
  • Alginates from seaweed help reduce glucose spikes.

Taking a specialized metabolic control supplement containing these and other ingredients can help support healthy blood sugar balance, curb junk food cravings, assist in digesting and absorbing sugars and fats, encourage healthy insulin function, and provide important antioxidants for added protection.

Nutritional and lifestyle interventions remain the best solutions for protecting your brain while promoting overall health and longevity and safeguarding against “type-3 diabetes.”