Fly Safe: Simple Tricks to Dodge Airplane Germs and Keep Healthy!

Spring break is just around the corner, and if you’re thinking of traveling, especially if that travel involves flying, you may be worrying about how to stay well. Air travel means being locked into a small space for hours with a hundred other people, coughing and sneezing while breathing recycled air. Not to mention, we’re at the height of the season for colds, flus, and even the Coronavirus.

How viruses spread

Whether cold, flu, or Coronavirus, respiratory viruses spread mainly through droplets when a sick person coughs or sneezes around you. Another way viruses spread is through surfaces that a sick person has touched. Here are some tips to help you stay healthy when traveling by plane this season:

1. Wash your hands

Handwashing is the number one advice to avoid respiratory viruses. It is essential to wash your hands well and regularly, especially after touching frequently-touched surfaces. Try to avoid touching your eyes, mouth, and nose as much as possible since that will make it easier for the virus to enter your body. Carry an alcohol-based hand sanitizer for situations when water and soap are not readily available.

2. Sanitize frequently-touched surfaces

Pack plenty of sanitizing wipes and use them to clean the surfaces you’ll likely touch, such as the tray table, armrests, seatbelt buckle, window shade, air vent, and touchscreen entertainment center. Be sure to take the wipes to the restroom as well to open the door, flush the toilet, and turn on the faucet.

3. Choose your seat wisely

Your seat in the plane can play a role in your chances of getting sick. Try to avoid aisle seats and seats near the restroom, as they expose you to more people who could be ill. Whenever possible, choose a window seat away from the lavatories.

4. Avoid the seat pocket

One thing that many people don’t realize is that the fabric seat pocket is a breeding ground for germs. It’s best to avoid touching the seat pocket altogether because germ-ridden items, such as used tissues or dirty diapers, are often stashed there.

5. Stay hydrated

Drinking water helps your body remove toxins naturally while dehydration drains energy needed for supporting the immune system. Avoid alcohol and bring your water bottle to maintain hydration throughout the flight.

6. Decide on wearing a mask

The decision to wear or not wear a mask has become controversial. Some experts say it won’t help you avoid the virus, while others advise wearing one if you’re around someone who has it. The key is choosing an N95 respirator mask, designed to filter out virus particles. Weigh the pros and cons and decide what’s best for your situation.

With these tips in mind, you can have the best chance of staying healthy and avoiding the illnesses that often come with air travel. Remember to be vigilant about keeping your hands clean, sanitizing frequently-touched surfaces, choosing your seat wisely, and staying hydrated.

For more information on staying healthy during air travel and understanding mask options, visit these high authority health websites: