Get Fit and Have a Blast: Try Our Playground Workout for Grown-Ups!

As the weather gets warmer, it’s time to move your workouts outside and make exercise enjoyable. The playground is a fantastic place to break a sweat while having fun at the same time. With numerous options available, your imagination is the only thing that limits you.

If you have children, bring them along to play on the swings while you focus on your fitness goals. Here are some playground workout ideas to get you started.

Pull ups – Standard and Side-to-Side

Playgrounds often have pull-up handles or bars, and even the cross-bar of a swing set can do the trick. Pull-ups are excellent for upper body strength and harness your body weight. Bend your knees to keep your feet off the ground and pull yourself up. Aim for three sets of 10 repetitions, or more if you can handle it. To switch things up, try side-to-side pull-ups for an added challenge.

Monkey Bar Swings

While children have a blast swinging across monkey bars, adults may find it more challenging. The activity is a great workout for the upper body, shoulders, and lats. It also serves as an excellent stretch. Ensure your feet remain off the ground by bending your knees. See if you can swing back and forth, making it a more difficult task than you remember.

Fence Hops

For a heart-pumping exercise that targets your upper body, fence hops are perfect. Find a low wall, fence, or table about thigh-height or lower. Place your hands down, spring to the other side, and repeat for a time limit or repetition count you can manage. The exercise offers excellent core control and upper body strength. Moreover, the landing is not harmful on your knees since you’ll be falling on dirt, not pavement.

Picnic Table Jumps

Picnic table jumps are a dynamic and explosive workout. Before you start, ensure the bench is sturdy and secure. Stand with feet apart and jump onto the bench of the picnic table (or any park bench). To prevent strain on your knees, step back down instead of hopping down. Do as many as you safely can, rest, and repeat three times. If this feels too easy, try jumping up onto the table itself.

With new spring weather, playgrounds are the perfect outlet for entertaining exercise that gets you moving outdoors. A range of equipment can help you to achieve your fitness goals while soaking up some crucial vitamin D. Make sure to stay hydrated and enjoy exploring different workout options in the sunshine.