Get Fit Fast: Why Paleo Exercise Can Make You Healthier Than Ever

The paleo diet focuses on consuming foods that help to maintain a healthy and slim body. Adopting a paleo approach to exercise, and combining it with a consistent workout plan, has been shown to produce impressive results. Many paleo advocates believe that the human body is suited to performing high-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercises. Although prolonged aerobic exercises, like marathon running, have gained popularity, research indicates that interval workouts, consisting of brief surges of intense sprints followed by rest periods, are highly effective at developing fitness.

Maximum Fitness Benefits

A study conducted at Bowling Green State University in Ohio demonstrates that HIIT is the best way to achieve significant fitness benefits in the shortest amount of time. The study included 16 participants, ages 19 to 30, who had at least a moderate fitness level and performed at least one HIIT session a week. Participants exercised on a treadmill at the highest intensity they felt they could sustain for six four-minute intervals, with rest periods of one, two, or four minutes between each interval. The researchers measured participants’ levels of oxygen consumption and heart rate throughout the workouts.

Results revealed that although men selected a relatively faster pace on the treadmill, women pushed themselves to a higher percentage of their maximum heart rate than the men. The women also exercised at a higher percentage of their maximum oxygen consumption. This study suggests that a 2 to 1 ratio of time spent doing HIIT to rest periods is the best way to perform interval training. Participants used their own feelings of fatigue to determine the intensity of their workouts.

Interval Walking for Improved Fitness Results

By applying basic principles of interval exercise, even those who prefer walking can improve their fitness results. Studies conducted at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark have shown that alternating between walking at an intense pace and a slower pace can lead to better blood sugar management than walking at a constant slow speed. This research focused on individuals with type 2 diabetes, as it was initially believed that high-intensity exercise could potentially lead to injury for this group. However, the results demonstrate that interval walking can significantly improve blood sugar levels for diabetics compared to slow, low-intensity walking. Participants who practiced interval walking experienced steadier blood sugar control, improved insulin sensitivity, and increased blood sugar uptake by the body’s cells.

The Evolution of Hiit in Human History

Interval walking training may have roots in humanity’s distant past, as it is thought that early humans evolved to hunt and gather food. They would spend hours stalking their prey and then sprinting to catch them. Engaging in interval training today can potentially help develop the musculature of our ancestors, rather than succumbing to a sedentary lifestyle.

By incorporating HIIT workouts into your exercise routine, you are more likely to achieve optimum fitness results within a shorter timeframe, compared to engaging in prolonged aerobic activities. Additionally, incorporating HIIT principles to your daily activities can also lead to improved blood sugar control and overall health. So, give interval workouts a try, trust the abilities of your body, and push yourself to run hard, knowing that you are probably working at the correct intensity for maximum benefits.