Get Happy Heels: 7 Easy Home Fixes for Cracked Feet!

Cracked, callused, dry, and painful heels can leave you feeling embarrassed, reluctant to show your feet in sandals, and even make you feel older than you are. You’re not alone; over 20% of Americans, which equates to 44 million people, experience cracked heels every year. Not only do these unsightly cracks look bad, but they can also lead to more severe health issues if left untreated. This includes ugly sores, bacterial or fungal infections, pain while walking, and cellulitis.

Various factors can elevate your risk for cracked heels, such as:

  • Diabetes: Uncontrollable blood sugar levels, often associated with type 2 diabetes, could result in nerve damage in the feet (peripheral neuropathy). This condition can heighten the risk of dry skin due to the affected blood flow.
  • Obesity: Excess weight places pressure on your heel pad, expanding it until cracks eventually form.
  • Aging skin: As skin ages, it loses elasticity, which can result in cracks as we grow older.
  • Deficiencies: A lack of essential vitamins and minerals in your diet, impacting your heel health.

Soothing and healing cracked heels right at home

Fortunately, you can heal painful, unsightly cracks with relatively little effort, often without the need for a doctor. The secret lies in dedicating time and attention to caring for your feet. Follow these seven steps to improve your heel health in the comfort of your own home:

1. Soak and scrub: Fill a foot soak tub with warm water and half a cup of Epsom salt, then let your feet soak for ten minutes. Afterward, remove them and scrub the affected areas with a pumice stone. Soak your feet for another ten minutes, then apply a thick moisturizer and put on socks to let it soak in overnight.

2. Use oils: Apply healing oils, such as olive, almond, and coconut oils, which have been used for centuries, to your feet morning and night to keep the skin smooth.

3. Apply a natural antibacterial agent: Soak your feet in a mixture of warm water and half a cup of honey. This combination provides antibacterial benefits and helps to prevent cracks from becoming infected.

4. Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water each day can help maintain your skin’s hydration levels and prevent further cracks from forming.

5. Protect your heels with closed shoes: Opt for footwear with closed heels, as this helps prevent your heel pad from spreading and cracking.

6. Stay cool: Avoid hot baths and showers since heat can deplete your skin’s moisture.

7. Take supplements to improve your skin: Adding particular supplements to your regimen, such as omega-3s (at least 1000 mg daily), Vitamin E (15mg or 22.4 IU daily with food), magnesium (400-800 mg daily), and zinc (15-30 mg daily), can have a positive effect on your skin’s health.

Don’t let painful, cracked heels control your life. Use these seven steps to effectively achieve smoother, healthier skin naturally.