Do you ever struggle with mood swings or find yourself not feeling quite like yourself? The solution to these issues might be found in the bacteria living in your digestive tract! Believe it or not, probiotics, or the friendly bacteria that reside in your gut, have the power to produce neurochemicals that can help improve your mental outlook and change your brain chemistry.
A healthy gut is home to around a thousand-trillion bacteria, collectively called the microbiome, which are essential for your well-being. They help extract nutrients from the food you consume, support your immune system in fending off infections, prevent harmful bacteria from colonizing the cells within your intestines, and even play a role in maintaining a healthy metabolism.
The Connection Between Gut Health and Your Mood
Without these microscopic organisms, your body would suffer tremendously. Researchers now believe there is a connection between the bacteria found in your gut and your mood, as well as how you interact with those around you. In a study conducted at the Farncombe Family Digestive Health Research Institute, scientists found that modifying the composition and quantity of bacteria in the gut can influence behavior, potentially transforming an individual’s demeanor from passive to assertive. They concluded that the right balance of probiotics can bring out the superhero in almost anyone!
In controlled experiments, scientists took passive animals and introduced bacteria from more daring and active animals to their gut. The once timid animals then became more active, exploratory, and socially adventurous. Suddenly, the wallflowers morphed into the life of the party.
As it turns out, the concept of gut health affecting mood is not entirely a new discovery. Researchers John H. Stokes and Donald M. Pillsbury recognized over 70 years ago that there is a strong connection between a person’s emotions and the microorganisms residing in their gut. In 1930, the doctors noted that suffering from a lack of probiotics makes your intestinal walls more vulnerable, which can lead to depression, acne, and anxiety due to the subsequent inflammation of your internal organs, skin, and mind.
The Power of Probiotics
Recent studies support the idea that probiotics can have a positive impact on your emotions. In a French study, participants experienced a significant decrease in feelings of anxiety, stress, depression, and anger after consuming probiotics for just one month. Probiotics were also found to reduce cortisol secretion, a stress hormone that has detrimental long-term effects on health.
Similarly, a British study involving around 50 participants with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) found that prebiotic supplements (a type of fiber that aids in nourishing beneficial bacteria) helped reduce anxiety. The authors of the study published in the journal Gut Pathogens acknowledged that it’s incredible to think about how the connection between gut health and mood was identified as far back as 1930. They mention that today, we stand a chance to establish how these probiotics influence the neurotransmitters associated with mood regulation.
Modern scientific tools have allowed experts to study the effects of probiotics on brain development. Researchers believe that the gut microbiome influences anxiety-like behavior by altering the brain’s structure in beneficial ways. Jane Foster, a researcher at the Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences of the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine, suggests that probiotics found in the gut have the potential not only to affect your mood but also to reshape your mind and temperament.
Fuel Your Gut and Boost Your Mood
Several food sources can help you maintain a healthy gut. Foods high in prebiotic fiber, such as artichokes, garlic, and onions, can be beneficial in supporting the growth of good bacteria in your gut. In addition, fermented foods such as kimchi, kefir, and sauerkraut are natural sources of probiotics.
While consuming gut-healthy foods is crucial, incorporating the right probiotics into your daily routine can be challenging. To support your gut health journey, it’s essential to use high-quality probiotic supplements tailored to your body’s needs. By doing so, you’ll ensure you maintain the right balance of bacteria and, in turn, potentially improve your overall mood, well-being, and attitude.
As science continues to uncover the intricate links between our gut microbiome and brain function, remember that these tiny organisms living in your digestive tract play a crucial role in your mental health. If you’re feeling low and out of sorts, consider looking after your gut health – after all, it could make all the difference to living a happier and healthier life.