Is Your Dinner Hiding a Secret? The Truth About GMO Foods

Our current era is dominated by processed and artificial food options, which has given rise to a whole host of health issues such as obesity, food allergies, and digestive problems. A large portion of this problem is due to foods being genetically modified (GMO), which may pose health risks. Consuming natural, non-genetically modified foods can lead to a more balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Real food from our past

The human race’s agrarian past, which saw people growing and raising what they ate themselves, set the stage for a more natural diet, free from synthetic chemicals and genetic modifications. Encouraging the adoption of real, natural food over highly processed options is a step towards a healthier lifestyle.

Historically, people faced health issues due to a lack of essential vitamins like vitamin B1 and vitamin C in their diet. Nowadays, we can get access to the necessary vitamins and nutrients if we consume whole foods. Though the food industry has come a long way, introducing fortification processes to combat nutritional deficiencies and ensure consumers get the nutrients they require, we are moving towards relying more on processed and GMO foods.

An age of chemicals

The introduction of chemicals into our lives, post-World War II, has had a substantial negative effect on our health. Synthetic flavors and artificial preservatives have interfered with our body’s ability to synthesize nutrients and function optimally. Rachel Carson’s book, Silent Spring, alerted us to the dangers of dangerous chemicals in our environment, particularly in our food. Unfortunately, her warnings have fallen on deaf ears in some aspects, with consumers still being exposed to harmful chemicals in food products.

Imported goods and global food partners

A portion of our food comes from other countries with less stringent regulations on food production. Therefore, consumers are unknowingly exposed to harmful chemicals used in foreign farming practices. Furthermore, the influx of imported goods has led to a dangerous shift towards foods heavy in synthetic chemicals and GMO components.

The dangers of GMOs

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have made their way into the American food chain, with about 85% of it containing GMO components. Unfortunately, we are not entirely sure of the long-term effects GMOs pose to our health. Independent studies have started to highlight the potential risks and drawbacks of consuming GMO food. For instance, some experts worry that food allergies may become even more common due to GMO consumption.

Taking control of our diet

The responsibility lies with us to take control of our diets and ensure we consume only healthful, nutrient-dense, organic foods. We must prioritize whole foods over fast food and processed goods heavy in starch, sugar, and saturated fats. By doing so, we can assure our diets are rich in enzymes, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and other crucial nutritional factors.

To encourage a healthier future, let’s begin sourcing non-GMO seeds and work to grow our fresh produce without any genetic modification. A healthy diet begins with knowledge about what we consume. As Hippocrates said, “Our food should be our medicine; our medicine should be our food” — a simple motto to base our diets on, excluding any chemicals or synthetic modifiers.

By being more aware of our food’s origin and striving to consume a diet rich in natural, non-GMO food, we can work to alleviate some current health issues and prevent potential long-term health concerns that may arise from consumption of genetically modified and chemically-processed food.