Is Your Handy-Dandy Tech Gear a Hidden Threat to Your Unborn Child?

You may not be able to see or touch the magnetic fields produced by wireless devices and household appliances, but they can have a significant impact on the health of a fetus. Recent research has uncovered that pregnant women exposed to the magnetic fields emitted by appliances like microwave ovens, electric stoves, computers, curling irons, and electric blankets, have an increased risk of having children who are destined to become obese and suffer from other health problems.

The Study

The study, published in Nature’s Scientific Reports, followed women carrying a meter to measure magnetic field levels during pregnancy over the course of 13 years. The results showed that children who were exposed to moderate electrical fields in utero had a 50 percent increased risk of being obese or overweight. Those children with the highest exposure to magnetic fields experienced an 84 percent increased risk.

De-Kun Li, a perinatal epidemiologist and lead author of the study, claims that “pregnancy is a critical developmental stage that is among the most vulnerable periods to environmental exposures.” The findings of the study indicate that electromagnetic fields, like those emitted by microwave ovens and other wireless devices, could be contributing to the risk of childhood obesity. Li suggests these discoveries could help us better understand and potentially reduce childhood obesity rates, but emphasizes that the results need to be replicated by other studies.

Magnetic Fields Impacts on Health

Further supporting these findings, researchers have also discovered a relationship between magnetic fields and diabetes, high glucose levels, and ADHD in both humans and animal test subjects found in previous studies.

Li explains that “EMF exposure during pregnancy could impact fetal development, including endocrine and metabolic systems, predisposing offspring to a higher risk of obesity.”

Simple Steps to Limit Exposure

Although researchers are not suggesting that pregnant women need to panic and avoid all exposure to magnetic fields, taking simple steps to limit exposure could be beneficial. For example, pregnant women should consider avoiding the use of electric blankets, leaving the room when the microwave is in use, and even forgoing the use of a hairdryer.

More Tips for Reducing Exposure

Apart from the suggested steps mentioned earlier, other methods to reduce exposure to magnetic fields for pregnant women include:

  1. Distance: Keep as much distance as possible between yourself and the sources of magnetic fields. For instance, keep chargers, power switches, and other electronic devices far away from the bed.
  2. Unplug: Unplug devices when they are not being used, as some electronic devices continue to emit magnetic fields even when turned off.
  3. WiFi-Free Sleeping: Switch off or disable WiFi routers during sleeping hours. An alternative is to set smartphones and computers to airplane mode during bedtime.
  4. Shields: Purchase cases specifically designed to protect laptops, tablets, and smartphones from emitting magnetic fields.
  5. Less Screen Time: Limit the amount of time spent in front of screens throughout the day.

In Conclusion

Understanding the potential impact magnetic fields have on the health of unborn children could be crucial for managing the risk of childhood obesity and other health concerns. It’s essential to acknowledge that electromagnetic fields are emitted by everyday appliances and wireless devices, which may affect a developing fetus.

By taking simple precautionary measures to limit exposure to magnetic fields, pregnant women could significantly contribute to the healthy development of their unborn children and reduce the risk of obesity and associated health problems later in life. Although further research is necessary for providing conclusive evidence, expectant mothers should be aware of this potential risk and take appropriate steps to limit their exposure to magnetic fields.