Melt Away Tummy Troubles: The Ghee Secret to a Flat Stomach

Picture this: the Kardashians, known for their enviable bodies, attribute their toned figures to drinking ghee every morning. Kourtney Kardashian, the oldest sister with three kids under her belt, swears by this mysterious superfood that kickstarts her day by boosting her energy, promoting better health, and aiding her weight loss.

The secret, it turns out, is 100 percent butterfat. Ghee is purified butter that has been simmered to separate the oil from the milk proteins and other components. The result is a nutty and smooth superfood that has numerous health benefits when consumed regularly.

##Loaded with Fat-Soluble Vitamins:

Ghee contains a high concentration of fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K which are essential for promoting bone and brain health, and for boosting the immune system. Plus, these vitamins work to stimulate better vision, hormonal balance, and blood clotting.

##Aids in Digestive Health & Appetite Control:

Ghee works wonders in converting fiber into butyric acid, which is beneficial to your intestinal bacteria. This useful property helps to curb your appetite, ultimately leading to better weight management and overall health.

##Lactose & Casein Intolerant-Friendly:

Though ghee comes from butter, the milk solids and impurities have been removed during the simmering process (known as clarification). Thus, most lactose and casein intolerant individuals can consume ghee without any health-related issues.

##Boosts Flexibility & Joint Health:

Consuming ghee on a regular basis is a phenomenal way to maintain the connective tissue in your body and promote flexibility. It keeps your joints lubricated and functioning properly, making it beneficial for people who struggle with arthritis as well.

##How to Use Ghee in Your Everyday Life:

Following Kourtney Kardashian’s footsteps, you can start your day by melting a teaspoon of ghee and waiting for 20 minutes before taking your next meal and enjoying its energy-boosting properties. While this method may not be for everyone, it is one way to incorporate ghee into your daily routine.

Not ready to drink ghee straight? No problem! You can use ghee as a versatile cooking oil in place of traditional butter or oils. From sautéing vegetables and frying rice to searing meats, ghee’s primarily saturated fat content makes it stable to cook with and delivers a superior taste.

##Making Your Own Ghee at Home:

While store-bought ghee is readily available, making ghee at home is possible with this simple recipe.

  1. Place a pound of butter in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat.
  2. Bring the butter to a boil (takes about 2 to 3 minutes).
  3. Once boiling, reduce the heat to medium. The butter will form a foam that disappears.
  4. Ghee is done when a second foam appears on top of the butter and turns golden (approximately 7 to 8 minutes). Brown milk solids will settle at the bottom of the pan.
  5. Gently pour the ghee into a heatproof container through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth.
  6. Store it in an airtight container, ensuring it’s free from moisture, and it should keep for up to a month without refrigeration.

Incorporating ghee into your daily diet, from cooking to using it as a spread, takes advantage of this powerhouse superfood that’s packed with essential nutrients, antioxidants, and a rich taste. Besides, if it’s good enough for a Kardashian, it might just be the secret weapon our bodies need to stay healthy and trim.