Paleo Pitfalls: Top 5 Blunders Even Savvy Eaters Make

Swapping gluten-containing grain products for gluten-free products is a common mistake people make when they transition towards a Paleo diet. While going gluten-free has many health benefits, simply switching to gluten-free grain-based products might not be ideal. Many of these products are still filled with sugar and white starchy flour, which is quickly converted into glucose and released into the bloodstream, potentially causing a spike in insulin levels and inflammation.

Additionally, it is essential not to assume that a modern paleo diet will naturally contain as many vitamins, minerals, essential fats, and antioxidants as a traditional hunter-gatherer diet. The modern Paleo eater may miss out on up to 40 percent of the recommended daily allowances (RDAs) of essential nutrients. Find out why agricultural foods and modern farming practices reduce the nutrient content of our staple crops here.

It’s also crucial to avoid assuming that alternative sweeteners such as honey, agave syrup, and maple syrup are healthful. Fructose-based sweeteners can contribute to various health issues, including fatty liver and metabolic syndrome. Read more about the potential health risks of alternative sweeteners here.

Moreover, assuming that “paleo-friendly” cookies, cakes, and desserts are healthy can lead to various health issues. Many paleo desserts contain fructose or alcohol-based sweeteners and a considerable amount of flour, often non-grain-based. These desserts have a high­ glycemic load, leading to increased insulin production, inflammation, and even a higher risk of cognitive decline and dementia.

A common trend among people who follow the paleo diet is consuming mostly meat and few or no vegetables, especially if organic meat is unavailable or unaffordable. However, consuming conventionally grown meat can lead to the ingestion of pesticides and chemical residues. A plant-based diet can help in eliminating toxic chemicals from the body. Therefore, it is essential to consume sufficient protein and a variety of vegetables for better overall health and vitality.

Ultimately, if you want to achieve the greatest energy and vitality possible, you need to eat a maximally nutrient-dense diet. A food plan with this goal in mind should deliver the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and essential fats that your brain cells and mitochondria need to create full health and vitality.

Read more about how to design a nutrient-dense diet here.