The Real Reason You’re Always Tired (It’s Not What You Think)

Did you know that your electronic gadgets could be the real culprits behind your seemingly incurable fatigue? It’s true – those beneficial devices we love and use day by day, our smartphones, laptops, tablets and even our smart watches, are quietly and insidiously draining our energy reserves.

Yes, you heard that right! The blue light emitted by these devices is known to interfere with the secretion of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep. The interference with the sleep cycle, as you would have guessed, directly translates into you feeling fatigued and lethargic throughout the day.

Interestingly, studies show that an average American spends over 11 hours every day interacting with electronic gadgets. With so much screen exposure, the chances of falling into a chronic state of fatigue rises dramatically.

If you are among the millions who can’t seem to shake off that feeling of constant exhaustion, you probably have your screens to blame. However, the problem isn’t limited to merely experiencing fatigue. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a complex disorder characterized by extreme fatigue that can’t be explained by any underlying medical condition and frankly, it can significantly hamper your productivity and overall quality of life.

The stranglehold of screentime over our lives is undeniably strong. Yet, it is not only the quantity but also the timing of exposure that matters. Using electronic devices late into the night, especially an hour before bedtime, can dramatically reduce both the quality and quantity of our sleep.

So, what can you do to prevent this?

Let’s dive into some proven strategies to tackle screen-induced fatigue:

1. Adopt the 20-20-20 rule: For every 20 minutes spent looking at a screen, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This simple trick gives your eyes a much-needed break and can significantly reduce fatigue.

2. Limit your device usage in the hour preceding sleep: The goal should be to help your mind unwind and get ready for sleep. Make it a point to turn all your electronic gadgets off at least an hour before you want to sleep.

3. Use Blue Light Filters: Most modern electronic gadgets come with a ‘night mode’ that lowers the blue light emission. This can help to reduce the impact on the sleep cycle.

4. Consider Anti-Reflective Lenses: If you spend a significant part of your day in front of a screen, consider investing in glasses with anti-reflective lenses.

5. Exercise Regularly: Regular physical activity can help to maintain your sleep cycle intact.

Putting these steps into practice can go a long way in reducing the impact shown by electronic gadgets on your fatigue. While it is practically impossible to completely do away with electronic devices in our lives, there are ways to minimize their adverse effects.

So, the next time you feel tired, you might want to put down your smartphone and engage in a book, a conversation, or a stint of physical activity. Remember, controlling your screen time is up to you, and a healthier lifestyle is easily achievable with a little discipline.

In essence, everybody feels tired at times—after a long day at work, after a vigorous workout, after a stressful day. However, if you constantly feel tired, it’s time for you to pause and inspect your daily routine. Are you guilty of an overdose of screen time? If yes, you have your answer – and your solution too. A word to the wise: it’s time to wave goodbye to screen-induced fatigue and give your eyes and body the much-needed rest and rejuvenation they deserve. An untired You – lesser known yet easy to achieve!