Scary But True: Even Short-Term Steroids May Spike Your Health Risks

Short-term steroids can be a go-to prescription for many doctors when it comes to treating issues such as allergies, back pain, and respiratory infections. You may be one of the millions of Americans who take these medications annually for such problems. However, you may not be aware of the potential short-term side effects and serious health risks associated with these drugs.

In a recent study conducted by the University of Michigan, researchers discovered that even a brief period of steroid use can significantly increase your risk of developing three serious health complications:

  1. Broken bones
  2. Blood clots
  3. Sepsis (a life-threatening blood infection)

Their research analyzed three years’ worth of health data from 1.5 million adults and discovered that 20% of them had filled a prescription for oral corticosteroids (like prednisone) during this time. The results showed that those who filled steroid prescriptions experienced twice the risk of fractures, three times the risk of blood clots, and a five times higher risk of sepsis within the following 30 days. These risks began to decrease after 30 days but continued to be elevated for up to three months after the prescription was filled.

Since two out of the three possible complications from short-term steroid use can be fatal, it’s important to consider alternative, safer solutions.

Natural alternatives to short-term steroids

Depending on the reason you’re using steroids, there are various natural anti-inflammatory alternatives that can bring relief without the serious side effects.

Back pain

  • Stretching and yoga have been proven to help alleviate back pain.
  • Natural pain relievers recommended by experts, such as Dr. Michael Cutler.
  • Harvard-approved tips for reducing back pain, which can be found here.


  • Choose from these seven allergy-fighting foods
  • Use natural antihistamines like vitamin C, quercetin, and bromelain.
  • Include daily probiotics, especially during allergy season, to help ease hay fever symptoms.

Respiratory tract infections

  • Get sufficient vitamin D intake.
  • Follow tips from experts like Dr. Michael Cutler to treat respiratory infections, which can be found here.

Ultimately, it’s essential to carefully weigh the risks and benefits when considering a prescription for short-term steroids. It’s important to discuss these issues with your healthcare provider, and explore the natural alternatives available. You might find that these less harmful options can still effectively manage and relieve your health issues without the potentially serious side effects of short-term steroids.