You may stay away from fatty foods and maintain a normal weight, but did you know that central obesity, or having excess fat located around your belly, puts you at a greater risk of a heart attack than someone who is clinically obese? Researchers at the Mayo Clinic have found that people with a normal body mass index (BMI) but high central obesity have the highest cardiovascular death risk and the highest death risk from all causes.
You may be wondering why central obesity carries such risks when the person’s weight is considered normal. To answer that, it’s important to understand what central obesity is, what the waist-to-hip ratio is, and the steps you can take to minimize your risk of developing heart issues.
Central Obesity: A Deeper Look
Central obesity refers to the accumulation of visceral fat, or the fat stored within your abdominal cavity. This type of fat surrounds vital organs, like the liver, pancreas, and intestines. One of the most significant dangers of visceral fat is the generation of inflammatory substances called adipokines, which increase your chances of developing heart issues, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and certain types of cancers.
Having this type of fat doesn’t always depend on your overall weight, but also on your genes, age, and lifestyle behaviors. As you age, the waistline tends to increase; thus it’s crucial to monitor and adapt your health habits accordingly.
Waist-to-Hip Ratio: How to Calculate and Understand It
The waist-to-hip ratio is a critical component for understanding central obesity and your overall health risks. It’s simple to calculate by following these two steps:
- Measure your hip circumference at its widest area using a measuring tape.
Measure your waist circumference at the belly button or just above.
Once you have both of those measurements, divide your waist measurement by your hip ratio. A result of .95 or lower for men is the safest, while .80 and below is optimal for women. Anything above 1.0 for men or .85 for women is considered high risk.
Steps to Reduce Central Obesity and Improve Your Health
If your waist-to-hip ratio is higher than it should be, it’s time to take action. Here are a few simple steps that you can implement in your daily routine to reduce central obesity and improve your overall health:
- Exercise daily: Cardiovascular workouts like brisk walking, running, swimming, or cycling at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week, can help you shed stubborn belly fat and improve your heart health. Always consult with your healthcare practitioner before starting any workout routine to ensure it fits your individual needs.
Stay on a well-balanced diet: Incorporate foods rich in fiber, lean protein, and healthy fats into your daily menu. Stay away from unhealthy snacks, saturated fats, and added sugars.
Boost your water intake: Drinking more water can help you feel more full, reducing your hunger pangs and keeping you from overeating.
Get enough sleep: Sleep plays a vital role in regulating your hunger hormones and metabolism. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep a night.
Manage stress: High levels of stress can lead to weight gain, especially around the waist. Practice stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, or mindfulness.
Quit smoking: Cigarette smoking increases belly fat and weakens your body’s response to insulin, increasing your risk for central obesity.
By keeping a check on your waist-to-hip ratio and adopting the right lifestyle changes, you can effectively reduce central obesity, cutting down on your risk of cardiovascular diseases and improving your overall health. It’s essential to stay consistent with these steps to ensure long-term results and maintain your body’s balance. So, take action now and invest in your wellbeing for a healthier future.