Sip Your Way to a Stronger Heart: The Secret Perks of Your Daily Coffee Fix

Your morning coffee might be a lifesaver – the secret to avoiding clogged arteries and reducing the risk of heart disease. Rich in chemicals, polyphenol antioxidants, vitamins, bioflavonoids, and minerals, the coffee plant and its beans promote heart health and mitigate the effects of its naturally occurring caffeine. Research has shown that drinking one to five cups of coffee each day can support cardiovascular health.

The heart of the matter

Several studies indicate that coffee might have a protective influence on the heart. For instance, drinking more than four cups per day can lower the risk of being hospitalized for heart rhythm issues by 18%. Another study found that drinking coffee can lighten the workload on your heart by increasing blood flow in small blood vessels by 30%.

A multitude of benefits

Coffee isn’t only good for your heart. The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, in a February 2015 report, noted that three to five cups of coffee per day (equivalent to up to 400 mg of caffeine) is not associated with long-term health problems for healthy individuals. Consumption of roughly 400 mg of caffeine might even lower the risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and Parkinson’s disease. Typically, a cup of coffee contains approximately 100 mg of caffeine.

Coffee might also help protect against conditions such as melanoma and other skin cancers, multiple sclerosis (when 4-6 cups are consumed daily), dementia, and mild cognitive impairment. In fact, research published in the New England Journal of Medicine indicates that coffee might extend life expectancy as it could lower the risk of premature death from heart disease, stroke, respiratory disease, diabetes, infections, and injuries.

Coffee is also beneficial for alertness, metabolism (particularly when consumed before exercise), and injury prevention.

Getting the most out of your coffee

To maximize the therapeutic benefits of coffee, it’s best consumed black. Adding milk, creamer, non-dairy creamer, flavors, sugar, or artificial sweeteners can potentially be detrimental to your health. If you can’t drink your coffee black, consider using coconut milk as an alternative.

Looking to curb your hunger? Add some butter to your coffee. Packing healthy fats and fat-soluble vitamins, butter can signal to the brain that you’re full.

The color of your coffee is important as well. Dark roasts tend to have more neuroprotective agents and can replenish antioxidant levels (vitamin E and glutathione) more effectively than unroasted green and lightly roasted variants. Additionally, dark roasts have better weight-loss results for coffee drinkers carrying extra weight.

Eco-friendly choices

Remember to choose certified organic coffee when possible to reduce exposure to pesticides. Opting for sustainable, shade-grown coffee will help protect the planet, rainforests, and native wildlife while nourishing your body.