Sugar may be an addictive substance that leads to various health problems, but honey, another form of sugar, is the better option for satisfying your sweet tooth. Used for over 5,000 years in the ancient Indian practice of Ayurveda, honey is the original sugar and healing agent. Here are some reasons why honey is the better choice for your health:
Honey is a more complex sugar
When our body breaks down sugar, it consumes energy. Due to honey’s complex structure, the body expends more energy breaking it down, which leaves fewer calories for the body to deal with. This makes honey a healthier alternative to conventional sugars.
Honey contains trace elements
Bees gather trace elements, such as minerals and vitamins, from plants and incorporate them into honey. Unlike processed sugars, honey is not processed, meaning these nutrients can actually benefit you nutritionally. The less processed a honey is, the more health benefits it provides.
Honey has clinical benefits
Honey, especially when raw, provides a number of clinical benefits. Many hospitals use honey as a topical antibacterial agent for treating wounds, burns, and skin ulcers because of its healing properties. Honey has been observed to reduce inflammation, swelling, and pain in wounds. It also allows bandages to be removed painlessly and safely, promoting rapid healing with minimal scarring. A 2012 study published in the Cochrane Library even showed that honey may promote faster healing of mild to moderate burns than regular wound dressings.
Honey’s antimicrobial properties can be traced back to the world’s oldest medical literatures and are now being recognized in modern medical journals. Methylglyoxal, an antimicrobial substance in honey, can be found at high levels in Manuka honey and protects against infections and colds. Any dark honey is good for health, as it contains less water and more antioxidants than light-colored honey.
Honey can build immunity against allergies
Locally-produced honey may contain pollen spores picked up by bees from local plants. According to the International Archives of Allergy & Immunology, these spores can increase your immunity against allergies triggered by these plants by building up your natural immunity against them.
How to choose the right honey for health benefits
When purchasing honey, look for one with a low Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) level. A high HMF level indicates that the honey may have been adulterated with inverted sugars, such as white sugar or fructose. These processed sugars are heated with acid, creating HMF. Foods with added sugar or high fructose corn syrups can have up to 1,000 mg/kg of HMF. Choose a dark honey with less than 100 mg/kg of HMF for optimum health benefits.
In conclusion, honey is a healthier and more beneficial alternative to conventional sugars. Opt for dark, locally-produced honey with low HMF levels to provide essential nutrients, trace elements, and support your immunity. Honey’s diverse application in wound and skin treatment demonstrates its remarkable healing properties, making it a valuable addition to your pantry.