The Chemo Paradox: Could Treatment Make Cancer Spread?

Several weeks ago, I wrote about the common link between blood sugar, Alzheimer’s, and cancer. That post got over 20,000 views – indicating that people are actively seeking truthful information about their illnesses, which they may not receive from their doctors.

The good news is that more individuals are awakening to the reality that mainstream medicine may not have all the answers. The medical community needs to remain open to exploring alternative treatments to provide the best care and information possible.

One such example is the long-time use of chemotherapy in treating cancer. The commonly accepted method for treating breast cancer is to start with chemotherapy, followed by surgery to remove the tumor. The objective is to shrink the tumor before surgical removal and prevent it from spreading to other body parts. But did you know that chemotherapy can actually promote the spread of cancer?

Researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine found that chemotherapy promotes a phenomenon called “tumor microenvironment of metastasis” (TMEMs). These structures are a measurable indicator for whether or not cancer will spread. They followed 20 cancer patients and reported higher levels of TMEMs post-chemotherapy.

These findings aren’t new; previous studies have suggested that chemotherapy might encourage cancer metastasis. Given these findings, what do you think the medical community should do?

The Future of Cancer Treatment

The research conducted at Albert Einstein College of Medicine focused on breast cancer patients. It is currently unknown whether chemotherapy could cause metastasis in patients with other types of cancer.

This development could be considered a setback on the path to finding a cure for cancer. However, there is ongoing research into alternative and natural cancer treatments that have shown promising results. These results may lead to a shift in mindset within the medical community and cancer patients alike.

Fighting and Preventing Cancer

Preventing cancer doesn’t have to be rocket science. Cancer is associated with multiple risk factors and causes, some controllable (environment and lifestyle) and some uncontrollable (age and genetics). Most controllable risk factors can be reduced by making simple changes to your daily life.

For example, consuming more cruciferous vegetables and green tea provides essential nutrients that protect against cancer. Engaging in daily exercise can reduce cancer risk by up to 30%.

For cancer survivors who want to prevent recurrence, one option is to activate your natural T-cells – the body’s cancer-killing cells. There are three natural ways to activate them, which you can read about here.

Taking vitamins, particularly vitamin C and vitamin D, can be beneficial in both preventing and fighting cancer. Numerous studies and personal experiences have shown their effectiveness in these areas.

For a comprehensive list of cancer prevention tips and information on alternative treatments, check out Dr. Michael Cutler’s cancer guide, Surviving Cancer. By taking your health into your own hands, you can reduce the fear associated with cancer and live a healthier life.