The Salt Saga: Busting Myths and Reveling in Sea Salt’s Secrets

The never-ending advice to cut back on salt fails to give the whole story on this misunderstood substance. In fact, if you don’t get enough of the right kind of salt, you may be sowing the seeds of your own health destruction.

Salt Tales

A nightly newscast recently carried a report on the most recent Food and Drug Administration (FDA) initiative beginning a public campaign (propaganda) to further persuade Americans to cut back on salt. Well, we have to remember that Americans think that salt is salt. Not so at all. Everyday salt that we consume is sodium chloride. This is a bad salt because it is processed salt. That means it is heated and the mineral value is diminished.

Ordinary table salt is highly processed. It is approximately 97.5 percent sodium chloride and 2.5 percent chemicals. It is dried at more than 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit. This heat greatly alters the chemical structure of natural salt.

Sea salt has about 16 percent natural minerals and trace minerals like silicon, phosphorus, and vanadium. So the salt that concerns the FDA is ordinary refined table salt, which has absolutely nothing in common with unrefined natural sea salt.

The difference in health effects is great, but the FDA never differentiates between types of salt. And of course, I have never heard of the FDA warning about the danger of all sugar and sugar substitutes except stevia.

The FDA impounded imports of stevia, a natural sweetener, for a while under a phony pretext. Stevia is the only sweetener that I know of that is a good substitute for sugar. Sugar is literally killing Americans. I have never heard this from the FDA.

Government Action

If a government wants to create a revolution, they can withhold salt. The British put a tax on salt in India in the 1930s and this triggered Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violent revolution that finally expelled the British from India.

Natural sea salt is the elixir of life and fundamental to the biological processes:

  • It is a major component of blood plasma. It carries nutrients into and out of the cells.
  • It helps the lining of the blood vessels to regulate blood pressure. (It is sugar that causes high blood pressure.)
  • It helps regulate the propagation of nerve impulses.
  • It helps the brain send communication signals to the muscles so the body moves in a coordinated manner (sodium-potassium ion exchange).
  • Very importantly, sea salt alkalizes the pH of the body, which is very important for total health.
  • Adequate natural sea salt restricts your craving for fructose (sugar).

Low Salt Dangers

From the article Critical Salt Information from Unconventional Wisdom by Emma Ross: “A low-salt diet may not be so healthy after all. Defying a generation of health advice, a controversial new study concludes that the fewer (sea salt) people eat, the higher their risk of untimely death.

“The study, led by Dr. Michael Alderman, Chairman of Epidemiology at the Albert Einstein School of Medicine in New York and President of the American Society of Hypertension, suggests that the U.S. government should suspend its recommendation that people restrict the amount of (sea) salt they eat.

“The lower the sodium, the worse off you are.”

Salt Myths

While we have been taught that too much (sea) salt causes high blood pressure (swelling), kidney problems, heart problems, etc., the opposite is true.

We are told by the FDA that a salt-free diet is best for good health. Physicians and cardiologists in particular have brainwashed their patients against (sea) salt.

I am a heart patient with high blood pressure. I take 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt with a glass of water several times a day. I have cut my blood pressure medication in half. Of course, I emphasize that you use sea salt because of its vital mineral elements.

On the other hand, everyday sodium chloride table salt is toxic and dangerous in the long term. It causes dehydration and cellular fluid imbalance. But this sodium chloride is exactly what the FDA and your doctor recommends.

Salt Facts

  • During the Middle Ages, having no salt was so hazardous that criminals were often put to death by being put in a cell and deprived of salt. This caused slow, agonizing death.
  • Two thousand years ago salt was used as money. Gold and salt had the same value.
  • The word “salary” comes from salt.
  • In the old days — oh, say, 60 years ago — salt was a food preservative used to cure meat. But today we refrigerate food; so, far less salt is used.
  • All warm-blooded animals must have salt to live. We give our dogs a pinch of sea salt every time we feed them.
  • The human brain and spine are in a bath of saltwater called CSF (cerebrospinal fluid). This saltwater circulates throughout the brain and spinal cord.
  • We all spent approximately nine months in our mother’s womb floating in saltwater (amniotic fluid).
  • Our tears are salty and we sweat salt. Ever notice your dog or cat licking your arm for the salt?
  • Our bones are hollow in the center (marrow) where blood cells are made. The marrow has many strands of calcium salts. Salt is what makes our bones hard, not the calcium.
  • Twenty-seven percent of the body’s salt is located in the bones. If the body requires more salt, it borrows it from the bones, making the bones thinner, softer, and brittle.

High Value

Because salt minerals in their natural state are valuable, they are removed for big profits, leaving people with only toxic sodium chloride as table salt. This is the toxic and highly refined salt that the FDA wants people to consume. Of course, in its discussions, it omits any mention of natural whole sea salt.

It is deceptive for the FDA to advocate salt limitation when what the agency really means is sodium chloride: We should cut out sodium chloride.

It is very, very important to use sea salt and water to keep the body alkaline for total health. Sea salt neutralizes acidity. Alkalinity causes the body to hold more oxygen.

Progressive accumulation of acid becomes death. Death is acid. The American diet is mostly acid.

For more information, see Water and Salt, The Essence of Life by Dr. Barbara Hendel and biophysicist Peter Ferreira, and Salt Your Way to Health by Dr. David Brownstein, M.D. Call 1-888-647-5616.