Ticked Off: Navigating the Rising Tide of Lyme Disease

May is not only Lyme Disease Awareness Month, but it’s also prime tick season. Lyme disease affects between 20,000 and 30,000 people each year, primarily in the northeastern United States, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. Early detection and treatment are essential for recovery. Unfortunately, many cases are misdiagnosed or missed, leading to a debilitating chronic condition.

The Hidden Culprit

Lyme disease is an infection caused by the Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium transmitted through infected deer tick bites. The early stages of the disease often present themselves as a bull’s-eye rash at the bite site. However, this rash can be hidden or not appear at all, making diagnosis challenging. Lyme disease symptoms include severe headaches, joint pain, heart palpitations, flu symptoms, fatigue, dizziness, paralysis of facial muscles, and many more.

Proper tick removal is crucial, and it is important to check your body thoroughly after spending time in tick-infested areas. Tucking pants into socks and using natural insect repellent are useful preventive measures.

Factors Contributing to Misdiagnoses

Detection problems arise due to shortcomings in diagnostic tests, which are more accurate three weeks or more after infection. False negatives are also common in advanced infections, further delaying diagnosis.

Chronic Lyme disease can lead to inflammatory and degenerative processes throughout the body, particularly in the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Bacteria can develop antibiotic resistance and hide in the brain, where the blood/brain barrier blocks effective treatments.

The Role of Biofilms

Lyme bacteria have been known to hide within biofilm armor, resisting immune and antibacterial treatments. Lyme disease can weaken the immune system, making individuals susceptible to other infections such as herpes, chronic strep, mold, candida, and more.

Treating Lyme disease requires a holistic approach involving antibiotics and addressing problems such as weakened immunity, inflammation, neurological damage, and co-infections.

Detoxification and Immunity
A gentle and comprehensive detoxification program over several months can assist in combating chronic Lyme disease. Detox can strengthen immunity against Lyme bacteria and other potential co-infections. Modified citrus pectin (MCP) and alginates from kelp are effective detoxifiers that remove heavy metals and toxins while training the immune system to reduce inflammation.

Medicinal mushrooms can also help optimize immune system function by helping it better identify harmful invaders and ignore healthy cells and tissues.

Botanicals and Inflammatory Support

Botanicals such as garlic, curcumin, thyme, oregano, astragalus, and honokiol are helpful for fighting harmful pathogens and bacteria, controlling chronic inflammation, and supporting general health. Honokiol, an extract of magnolia, is particularly recommended for its neural protection, anti-inflammatory support, and anti-bacterial properties.
MCP can also help reduce inflammation by binding itself to the inflammatory protein galectin-3. Dietary changes, such as consuming low glycaemic-index foods, can help cool inflammation in the body and promote overall health.

Integrative treatments, such as acupuncture, heat therapies, body work, and IV therapies, can help reduce inflammation, target bacteria, support neurological health, and promote balance in the entire bodily system.

Although Lyme disease is a challenging condition to treat, integrating conventional treatments like antibiotics with naturopathic approaches and lifestyle changes can significantly improve recovery and restore long-term health.