Wash New Clothes Twice to Dodge Itchy Rashes and Nasty Bugs

Imagine feeling an intense itch, only to find out it’s from the clothes you bought for yourself recently. Well, it’s possible, and there’s one crucial step you should take to protect yourself from the risk of rashes, lice, or even scabies. You need to wash your newly purchased clothes at least twice before wearing them.

When Clothing Harbors Hidden Dangers

Whenever you buy clothing, you can’t be sure of the chemicals it contains or what may have contaminated the fabric during previous try-ons by other shoppers. Dermatologist Donald Belsito explains that many garments, particularly those containing synthetic fibers, are pigmented with azo-aniline dyes.

These dyes can leave residues on the clothes and cause sensitive individuals to experience severe itching or painful rashes. In less sensitive people, these chemicals could still lead to dried-out, patchy skin. It usually takes more than one washing cycle to remove and eliminate these substances, preventing unexpected discomfort while wearing your new apparel.

Belsito mentions that the allergic reactions commonly occur near areas of friction or sweating, such as around the waist, neck, thighs, and armpits.

Other Allergens and Contaminants on Clothes

But it’s not just azo-aniline dyes that you should be worried about. Cotton-polyester blends are likely to contain urea formaldehyde resin, which prevents mildew and resists wrinkles in the fabric. The residues of this preservative can cause eczema that results in a rash, unless washed out properly.

Adding to the list of why you should wash new clothes twice are lice and scabies that previous shoppers may have left behind. Belsito admits to having seen cases of lice, scabies, and other infectious diseases transmitted through clothing.

Cleaning Your New Clothes Properly

To decontaminate your new clothes, follow these steps:

  1. Before washing, turn your clothes inside out, which will help get rid of any dyes, dirt, and possible allergens coming in contact with your skin.
  2. Choose a gentle, fragrance-free detergent to prevent irritation from strong smells or harsh chemicals.
  3. Wash the clothes in the warmest water the fabric care label recommends.
  4. Use an extra rinse cycle to ensure all detergent, dye residues, and dirt are thoroughly washed away.

Remember, it’s essential to wash your clothes at least twice before wearing them. This small act can save you from uncomfortable and unsightly skin reactions and even contagious infestations. Besides, clothes usually have sizing in them, which helps them look crisp on the display but can become irritating when in contact with your skin. So, it’s better to be safe than sorry!

What About Clothes That Require Dry Cleaning?

For clothes that require dry cleaning, the process may not remove all chemicals and allergens due to the solvent used. It’s recommended that you choose a dry cleaner using Greenearth Cleaning, which has a gentle, silicone-based solvent called GreenEarth to clean clothes. This solvent effectively removes allergens and dyes during the cleaning process, making your clothes safer to wear.

Tips for Trying Out Clothes

To minimize the risks of skin irritation and infections, be careful when trying on clothes in stores. Consider these tips for safer shopping experiences:

  1. Wear well-fitting undergarments that provide a barrier between your skin and the clothes you’re trying on.
  2. When trying on hats, use a liner or scarf to protect your hair and scalp from potential lice or scabies.
  3. Always sanitize your hands after handling clothes to prevent possible infection.

In conclusion, it’s crucial to remember that washing new clothes twice before wearing them can help protect you against skin irritation, allergic reactions, and infestations. Don’t forget about practicing safe habits when trying on clothes in stores, too. A little extra care can go a long way in ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable experience with your fashionable wardrobe!