Chronic acid reflux is more than just an annoyance—it increases your risk for esophageal cancer, the sixth leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. While the best way to prevent esophageal cancer is to control your acid reflux, an additional step you can take is to pop a zinc supplement daily, as the immune-boosting mineral has been found to help keep away cancer.
Zinc’s cancer links
A study conducted by researchers from the University of Texas at Arlington and several other institutions discovered that zinc stops the growth of esophageal cancer cells without affecting the growth of normal, healthy esophageal cells. Although the study was performed in a test tube, it’s not the first time zinc has been linked to esophageal cancer prevention.
Past research has shown that zinc deficiency is a widespread issue in individuals with esophageal cancer, as well as other types of cancer. In fact, about 65 percent of people with head and neck cancers, such as esophageal cancer, are deficient in zinc, which means zinc could play a significant role in cancer prevention.
One reason zinc is essential for cancer prevention and overall health is that your body needs it to create specific proteins and enzymes. Without these proteins and enzymes, your cells can’t function, meaning, without zinc, your cells can’t function.
In terms of cancer, researchers found that zinc stops overactive calcium in cancer cells. Calcium production becomes unpredictable in cancer cells but not in healthy cells. By limiting these cancer-causing calcium signals, zinc kills cancer cells.
Don’t succumb to zinc deficiency
To protect yourself from zinc deficiency, make sure you get enough zinc, whether or not you have acid reflux. Most individuals require about 8 to 11 mg per day.
People over 60, vegetarians, people with chronic diarrhea, anorexics, alcoholics, and pregnant women are particularly at-risk for zinc deficiency. If you fall into one of these categories, you may want to test yourself for zinc deficiency. One way to do this is to perform an at-home taste test with liquid zinc sulfate.
As with all vitamins, nutrients, and minerals, it’s a good idea to get most of your zinc from foods, such as:
- Spinach
- Flax seeds
- Beef
- Pumpkin seeds
- Seafood like shrimp and oysters.
However, if you’re worried about esophageal cancer or other types of cancer, you can always take a supplement. In fact, if you already take a multivitamin supplement, you likely receive sufficient zinc from that, so you can breathe easy knowing you’re doing what you can to keep cancer from coming your way.
More natural ways to avoid and beat cancer
In addition to zinc, there are many other natural ways to prevent and fight cancer, including certain minerals, herbs, supplements, foods, and proven therapies allowed in other countries but denied to you by American mainstream medicine. Keep yourself informed about all of your options so you can make the wisest decisions about your health.