Ease Your Aches: The Simple Secret to Natural Pain Relief Through Movement

Do you struggle with increased pain during winter, or even in cooler and damp weather? This “chill in your bones” translating into pain is a common problem. Joint pain, arthritis pain, migraines, and achy muscles all seem to get worse when it’s cold. Nonetheless, there’s a simple and natural remedy to help relieve this pain: increase blood flow to your extremities.

The problem with cold weather

The reason behind this increase in pain has to do with our body’s reaction to cold temperatures. When we’re cold, our bodies restrict blood flow to the extremities. This survival mode concentrates blood near vital organs, such as the heart and lungs.

The result is less blood and heat circulating near the surface of the skin. This can affect your mobility if you’re older, and for just about anyone, it can be painful and make you downright achy all over. The soft tissue around the joints gets less heat and nutrients, becoming less pliable and beginning to stiffen.

Hands, feet, knees, hips, and shoulders lacking ample warm, oxygen-rich blood flow can feel the worst. Neck and back pain can also arise from this issue. Pain is a warning sign from your body that something is wrong, so it’s essential to pay attention to it and avoid damage to your body. That’s why staying active, no matter the season, is crucial.

Getting active for pain relief

The only dependable way to increase blood flow is to get moving. Raising your heart rate increases blood flow to the extremities multiple times what it is at rest, even with just simple movements. This surge of blood flow can help relieve pain throughout your body.

One study found that doing something as simple as an easy elbow flexion movement (folding and unfolding your arms) can raise blood flow by 25% 1. So, you don’t have to go for a run. Choose the activities you enjoy, and consider how much more blood flow and how much less pain you’ll experience with some gentle jogging in place or jumping jacks if it’s too cold outside.

Low-impact floor exercises, such as leg raises and half push-ups, or simple stretches can still provide enough movement to impact blood flow. Yoga and Pilates are low-impact exercises that require little space (an area about the length of your body) and no special equipment. If you don’t own a yoga mat, fold a blanket or beach towel to make it comfortable on the floor and perform the exercises at your own pace following an instructional video online or on DVD.

Use your daily chores to your advantage

Exercise can also be found in everyday household chores. Vigorous sweeping, mopping, or vacuuming are all good options. If you have stairs in your home or office, find excuses to climb them a few extra times during the day.

A little exercise can go a long way in improving winter aches and pain. You may also experience a pleasant energy boost that will have you hopping out of bed with more energy and enthusiasm.

  1. Amundsen B, Wisløff U, Helgerud J, Hoff J, Slørdahl S. “Ultrasound recorded axillary artery blood flow during elbow-flexion exercise.” Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2002 Aug;34(8):1288-93.