Neck pain can be a major cause of discomfort, affecting 45 percent of the working population at some point. If you’re among the chronic sufferers, these simple steps could help alleviate your pain and improve your quality of life.
Step 1: Identify the cause of your neck pain
If you’ve experienced a serious injury or accident that could have caused whiplash, it’s crucial to seek medical examination and care. If your neck pain isn’t the result of a serious illness or injury, move to step 2.
Step 2: Determine the source of your pain
Neck pain can have a variety of causes, including stress, poor sleep posture, or shoulder tension. Determining the specific cause of your pain allows you to address the issue most effectively.
Wrong sleeping posture
Waking up with a stiff, painful neck is a common issue that can be easily solved by adjusting your sleeping position. Sleeping on your stomach offers little support for your back and neck, and can lead to strain and cramping. The ideal sleeping position is on your side, with arms at chest height in a fetal position.
Physical, emotional, and psychological stress from work, family, or friends can lead to neck and back pain if not managed effectively. A variety of therapies, including biofeedback, meditation, yoga, and tai chi, can help alleviate and prevent chronic pain. Techniques such as neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), the Sedona Method, and relieving tension myositis syndrome (TMS) can also help minimize the impact of stress on your neck pain.
Spinal subluxation
Poor posture maintained over an extended period can lead to misalignment in the spine, causing strain and pain. Treatment from a chiropractor or osteopathic physician trained in spinal adjustment techniques, along with yoga and mindfulness, can help alleviate pain and correct posture issues.
Energy blockages
Our body is influenced by energy channels called meridians, and when these become blocked, pain and illness can occur. Acupuncture and acupressure can help clear these energy channels and reduce neck stiffness and pain. Additionally, addressing your diet, thought patterns, and stress levels can help maintain clear energy pathways.
Step 3: Seek proper care
Once you’ve identified the cause of your neck pain, it’s crucial to seek the right self-care and assisted-care options. Trying a therapy without fully committing to it will not deliver the relief you need. In addition to working on specific issues and seeking treatments, supplements such as curcumin and valerian can help reduce pain and inflammation. Hot baths and hot/cold packs can offer additional relief when applied regularly.
Neck pain may be a common problem, but with the right approach, you can overcome it. Simple changes in your daily habits – for example, changing your posture, diet, or sleeping position – can alleviate pain and prevent future discomfort. If you’re experiencing chronic neck pain, assessing the potential causes is crucial in determining an appropriate plan for self-care.