Germs or Intrinsic Balance: Revisiting the Bechamp-Pasteur Disease Debate

Louis Pasteur is often celebrated as the principal authority behind modern medicine, and the creator of the germ theory of disease. This theory suggests that germs exist outside the body and are responsible for causing illness. However, its erroneous nature has allowed for the medical industry to perpetuate the wide acceptance of immunization shots, generating billions of dollars through deception. In contrast, Antoine Bechamp believed that the origin of disease lies within the body, with our state of health determining how we recover, as opposed to through the use of immunization shots. So, who was right?

The Foundations of Two Theories

Two French scientists, Louis Pasteur and Antoine Bechamp, formed opposing explanations regarding illness. Pasteur’s germ theory posited that microbes produce diseases, while Bechamp’s cellular theory claimed that diseases produce microbes. Although Pasteur is now more well-known, it’s important to scrutinize the foundations of both theories.

Bechamp, a doctor, biologist, chemist, and physicist, discovered microbes before Pasteur. Through years of research, he was able to verify that humans create their own microbes in order to restore balance within tissues and organs. Bechamp also found microzymas, the smallest living particles, which transform their shape (pleomorphism) and become microbes when a person’s health worsens. He published multiple scientific papers to support his theory, demonstrating that germs are actually our allies.

Pasteur, on the other hand, was a chemist who misappropriated and falsified Bechamp’s results, ultimately publishing them as his own with opposite conclusions. He posited that illnesses are a result of external factors and microscopic external pathogens, with specific microbes causing specific diseases. This theory is known as monomorphism. As a form of disease prevention, he recommended war against microbes.

Financing and Influence

In 1887, The Institut Pasteur and the vaccination industry received financing from the world’s banking elite, the Rothschilds, ensuring that Pasteur’s theory became the norm globally. Supporting the idea that humans are victims of invisible external enemies—microbes—influenced humanity to believe in external pathogens, even though Bechamp had proven the contrary.

Ongoing financial support for the vaccination industry comes from the government and political realms, with the pharmaceutical industry benefiting from the epidemic that is presently harming millions of people and resulting in economic hardships for many Americans.

Evaluating the Evidence

Contrary to popular belief, germs (bacteria) do not cause disease. Instead, they act on dead tissues and waste, preparing them for elimination from the body, which generates fever. Once this waste has been eliminated, the germs (bacteria) will no longer be present. Furthermore, germs feast upon dead cells, never harming living matter.

This evidence lends support to the claim that germs (bacteria) are a result of disease and not the cause, thus debunking the notion of “contagious disease.” Disease comes first, and bacteria follow. The primary function of germs is to break down and eliminate the poisonous materials that we refer to as infection. It is the unnatural aspects of living that lead to disease and sickness, not external pathogens.

This contradicts the germ theory and the idea that disease germs are external to the body. Additionally, this reveals that the entire immunization/vaccination theory is flawed. However, this false perspective has formed the foundation of a multi-trillion-dollar pharmaceutical cartel, which now controls allopathic medical schools and doctors.


Ultimately, the medical industry has succeeded in spreading its propaganda widely; as a result, the vast majority of people are deceived. Nevertheless, it is crucial to recognize that modern medicine is a profit-driven machine, built on an erroneous theory of germ-based disease. By understanding the importance of looking within our bodies for the origin of illness and questioning the need for vaccinations, we can start to create a more truthful and effective approach to health and well-being.