If you’re trying to shed those extra pounds, going gluten-free might be the solution you’ve been searching for. When I stopped eating foods containing gluten, I lost five pounds in just three days, and the weight has never come back.
Why I Went Gluten-Free
Initially, I stopped eating gluten to save my brain. Gluten was causing severe auto-immune effects that wiped out my memory, affected my personality, and made me miserable overall. However, after going gluten-free, I noticed additional benefits I hadn’t anticipated. Mysterious rashes mostly disappeared, cold sores became less frequent, my blood pressure dropped, and I eventually lost about seven pounds, which has stayed off.
Although I wasn’t concerned about my weight initially (I’ve never been overweight and have always been active), I did have issues with bloating. After eliminating gluten from my diet, I discovered that bloating was a result of my reaction to gluten. Now, my weight stays more stable without gluten in my diet, rarely fluctuating more than a pound or two.
The Problem with Wheat
According to Dr. William Davis in his book Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health, wheat contains a substance known as amylopectin A, which boosts blood sugar more than other carbohydrates. This effect is exacerbated since wheat is found in various foods people consume daily. Consequently, Davis considers amylopectin A to be a “supercarbohydrate” and believes that, aside from some extra fiber, eating two slices of whole wheat bread is barely different, and often worse, than drinking a can of sugar-sweetened soda or eating a sugary candy bar.
Moreover, wheat’s effect on blood sugar and insulin release from the pancreas increases the body’s tendency to create fat, particularly abdominal or deep visceral fat. Over time, this can lead to an increased risk of insulin resistance and diabetes.
Research on Gluten-Free Diets
Although there are no extensive studies on the weight loss effects of a gluten-free diet, there has been some promising research. A study at the Sound Shore Medical Center of Westchester, New York, reviewed more than 300 people who had been on gluten-free diets for about three years. The results showed that underweight patients gained weight, and overweight or obese patients lost weight. The improvement in body mass index (BMI) further supports the need to diagnose celiac disease.
Another study at the Columbia University Medical Center in New York found that children with celiac disease who went on a gluten-free diet also normalized their weight. In this research, three out of four overweight kids who followed the diet lost significant amounts of weight.
Avoiding Packaged Foods
When it comes to meal preparation, I generally avoid gluten-free packaged foods that mimic gluten-containing items like cookies, bread, and pasta. When I consume these refined carbohydrates, my blood sugar seems to fluctuate too much, causing discomfort. Instead, I stick to less processed foods such as fish, meat, vegetables, fruit, and nuts. I also stay away from soft drinks and primarily drink water, with occasional glasses of diluted fruit juice.
Switching to a gluten-free diet may seem like a daunting task for many people. However, by committing to a lifestyle change, you can experience a diet that tastes great, allows you to eat as much as you want, makes you feel energetic, and helps you maintain your ideal weight.