Living a life free from pain and poor health is a universal desire, driving many of us to seek relief from pharmaceutical drugs. However, there are many dangers related to prescription drugs that aren’t well-known or fully understood. Too often, the side effects, dependencies, and potential harm caused by prescription medications are overlooked, leaving many patients worse off than before.
The Dark Side of Pharmaceuticals
Several prescription drugs are infamous for their hazardous side effects. For instance, Parkinson’s medications such as dopamine agonists have been linked to hypersexuality, pathological gambling, and compulsive eating. Combined with the most common Parkinson’s treatment – a natural chemical called levodopa – patients may experience nausea and hallucinations.
Another alarming fact is that every U.S. antidepressant and psychotropic medication carries an FDA black box warning, which is the strictest warning possible for prescriptions. It raises the question of whether the side effects of these drugs are worse than the conditions themselves, and if pharmaceutical companies prioritize their bottom line over our well-being.
Questionable Reliability
Dr. Marcia Angell, a former editor at the New England Journal of Medicine, has provided insight into the pharmaceutical industry’s manipulation of healthcare, from the FDA to medical professionals. She’s openly criticized the pharmaceutical industry, stating, “now primarily a marketing machine to sell drugs of dubious benefit, this industry uses its wealth and power to co-opt every institution that might stand in its way.”
Angell revealed that an astonishing amount of published clinical research cannot be trusted, and we cannot rely on the judgment of doctors and medical guidelines. In the case of antidepressants, for example, out of 74 clinical trials, 37 of 38 positive studies were published, while 33 of 36 negative studies were either not published or manipulated to convey a positive outcome.
Deception and Danger
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is a government agency aimed at uncovering knowledge to improve our health and prolong our lives. While their mission sounds noble, it ultimately equates to a government-based funding source for pharmaceutical research and drug development.
Our current system allows small companies to obtain research grants from the NIH and develop a drug using government money before being bought out by larger pharmaceutical corporations. These pharmaceutical companies then move offshore to avoid taxes, all while controlling what information the public sees. This process determines the very risks we’re exposed to, whether known or not.
Iatrogenic deaths (deaths due to medical treatment errors) are reportedly the third leading cause of death in the U.S., with prescription drugs accounting for 28% of these fatalities. It’s time for the pharmaceutical industry to recognize these risks and prioritize natural healing alternatives over synthetic, never-ending treatments.
Prioritizing Your Health
While there are times when prescription drugs become necessary, always explore alternatives such as diet, natural supplements, and lifestyle changes first. Learn to analyze your doctor’s decisions and understand the risks of any prescribed medications.
If you choose to take prescription drugs, be informed about their potential effects on your overall health. Use resources like RxISK, the first independent, patient-focused website that allows you to research prescription drugs and report side effects easily. As patients, it’s essential to stay educated and actively challenge the practices of the pharmaceutical industry. Remember the Russian proverb used by Ronald Reagan: “Doveryai, no proveryai” (Trust, but verify).