11 Fun Ways Music Boosts Your Health and Happiness

Music has an incredible impact on our health and wellbeing, as it can foster healing, boost creativity and improve mood. Many consider it one of the best natural remedies available today. So let’s explore the ways music is beneficial for our health.

How Music Affects Plant Growth

To understand how music can heal living organisms, we need to examine its influence on plant growth. In 1973, Dorothy Retallack published studies in which she played different types of music to plants. She found that plants exposed to soothing music were uniformly lush and green with healthy strong stems. In contrast, plants exposed to discordant classical music or rock music deteriorated and drooped.

This suggests that music can have a positive or negative impact on living organisms, depending on the type and emotional response to it.

11 Health Benefits of Listening to Music

  1. Improves mood: Various areas of the brain release dopamine, the “feel-good” hormone, when we listen to our favorite music. This leads to improved mood and helps alleviate mood disorders like anxiety and depression.

  2. Boosts mental creativity: Listening to certain kinds of music enhances mental creativity and cognitive function.

  3. Boosts immune function: Music improves the immune system and reduces stress, as it has been found to be comparable to prescription medications for reducing anxiety before surgery.

  4. Improves sleep quality: In one study, participants who listened to relaxing music for 45 minutes at bedtime for three weeks showed improved sleep and decreased depression.

  5. Increases exercise stamina: Music has been proven to significantly enhance physical exercise, thanks to its energizing effect.

  6. Improves sensuality: Dopamine, released when listening to enjoyable music, can enhance sexual experiences.

  7. Improves learning: Researchers have found that music enhances cognitive tasks and test-taking, especially when it induces a positive emotional state.

  8. Improves recovery for stroke victims: In a placebo-controlled trial, stroke patients who listened to recorded music for an hour or more each day had twice the verbal memory recovery in three months compared to controls.

  9. Reduces pain after surgery: Playing music during painful surgical operations has been found to lower pain and reduce the need for post-operative pain medications.

  10. Assists with cancer: Music helps manage stress and provides some pain relief for those with terminal cancer.

  11. Improves recovery from a heart attack: Healing music has been found to aid recovering from a heart attack by decreasing blood pressure, heart rate, and anxiety levels.

The type of music considered “healing” varies for everyone, as it depends on personal preferences and emotional responses. For some people, jazz music might be calming and invigorating, while others might find solace in classical or electronic tunes.

To fully benefit from the power of music, it’s essential to find the style that resonates with you the most and make it a part of your daily life. Listen to music while working, during your leisure time, or as you wind down for the night. When you find the music that truly uplifts you, you’ll experience its healing effects on your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.

Of course, it’s worth noting that music should not replace medical treatment or therapy but rather supplement it. Always consult with your healthcare provider to ensure you’re benefiting from the most appropriate approach to your specific health needs.

In conclusion, music is a powerful tool for healing and overall health improvement. Seek out your favorite tunes and incorporate them into your daily routine for a healthier, happier life.