3 Steps to Say Goodbye to Headaches for Good

If you’ve ever experienced the unrelenting pain from chronic headaches and migraines, you understand how important it is to prevent them. The best way to do this is by identifying and addressing the imbalances in your body that cause headaches and migraines, keeping you from a healthy and pain-free life. After extensive research and experience, it has become clear that there are three types of imbalances at the root cause of most headaches and migraines: excesses, deficiencies, and stagnation. By addressing these imbalances, you’re on the path to regaining control of your life and finding relief from the pain.

Avoid excesses that trigger headaches

Too much of “something” can lead to headaches. This can be physical activity, certain foods, or even negative emotions. Here are some areas to keep an eye on:

  • Exercise is important for overall health, but too much strenuous activity can cause muscle strain and spasms. High-impact exercises, like long-distance running, powerlifting, or excessive jumping, can cause imbalances that trigger headaches.

  • Artificial sweeteners, nitrates, nightshades, alcohol, and caffeine should be limited in your diet. These are common triggers of headache and migraine pain.

  • Avoid overworking and excessive stress. The increased stress hormones and lack of sleep from constantly pushing yourself can lead to headaches.

  • Negative emotions can also make your headache pain worse. Chronic negativity, feelings of hopelessness, and complaining can be detrimental to your progress. Focus on positivity and find healthy ways to cope with stress.

Correct deficiencies that lead to headache pain

If your body is lacking something it needs, like essential nutrients, you also might experience headaches. Address these deficiencies to help decrease your pain:

  • Consuming a diet low in whole, fresh, and organic fruits and vegetables deprives your body of the essential nutrients it needs to function properly. Aim to include more of these nutrient-rich foods in your diet.

  • Some nutrients, such as vitamin D, riboflavin (B2), and coenzyme Q10 have been shown to be lower in people who experience migraines. Consider supplementing or increasing your intake of these nutrients.

  • Make sure you’re drinking enough water. Dehydration can cause pain and inflammation, while proper hydration helps remove toxins from your body and keep your tissues hydrated.

  • Too little exercise can also cause headaches. Ensure your body is getting the physical activity it needs to adequately circulate blood and oxygenate your body.

Remove stagnations that keep health from flowing

Stagnations, or areas where things are moving too slowly, need to be addressed in order to keep headaches at bay:

  • Muscle spasms and tight muscles can cause trigger points, resulting in stiffness, localized pain, and referred pain in the head. Ensure you’re stretching and keeping your muscles flexible and healthy.

  • Try to incorporate a headache-free diet, which emphasizes whole foods and avoids common headache triggers.

  • Don’t let your mind and emotions become stagnant and focused on negativity. Stress and anxiety can contribute to headaches, so it’s important to work on finding healthy ways to manage your stress levels and promoting positive thinking.

In conclusion, it’s important to address all three imbalance categories in order to regain control of your life and find relief from headaches and migraines. Take time to evaluate where you may have excesses and deficiencies, and work to correct them. Address any stagnations in your lifestyle, whether physical or emotional. By doing so, you’re moving towards a healthier, headache-free version of yourself.