Beware of the ‘Boost Your Love Life’ Pills: Choose Natural Ways Instead!

Failed pharmaceutical drugs don’t always get discarded. Sometimes, manufacturers repurpose them for another health problem they might be able to alleviate. The perfect example of this is flibanserin, an anti-depressant drug that didn’t relieve depression. However, now the manufacturer, Sprout Pharmaceuticals, is trying to convince the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that this same drug could potentially increase women’s libido.

Unfortunately, the FDA might not be entirely convinced by Sprout’s claims, and women should also be cautious about new drugs like this. The side effects of flibanserin are so severe that the FDA’s experts believe the potential benefits don’t justify its risks.

The Unimpressive Research

According to the research, flibanserin might be able to modestly increase the number of “satisfying sexual events” experienced by women. However, considering the serious side effects linked to this drug, the small increase in satisfying experiences might not be enough to outweigh the downsides.

The Side Effects

The side effects of flibanserin are abundant and difficult to ignore. The most noticeable of these gives rise to an increased risk of fainting, which could potentially cause harm to women when they fall. This issue becomes more problematic when the drug is taken in conjunction with alcohol—many people’s go-to for getting in the mood.

Other side effects associated with flibanserin include insomnia, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, anxiety, upset stomach, and dry mouth. With so many potential downsides, it’s important to question whether repurposing this drug is really a good idea.

Natural Ways to Boost Libido

Before turning to potentially dangerous and unproven drugs like flibanserin, women should consider safer, more natural options to improve their sex lives. One such option is switching to the Mediterranean diet, as various studies have shown that this diet has a positive effect on women’s desire. The Mediterranean diet focuses on the consumption of fruits, vegetables, fish, olive oil, and moderate amounts of wine.

Physical exercise is another vital component for improving libido naturally. According to research in Hong Kong, engaging in regular exercise can improve the health of brain cells, which are directly linked to a better sex life. Opting for alternative therapies such as yoga and meditation can also help connect with one’s body and stimulate libido.

Supplements for Improving Women’s Sexual Health

Various supplements have also been found to improve women’s sex lives. Dr. Michael Cutler claims that many herbs, including damiana leaf, black cohosh root, bayberry fruit, and red raspberry leaf, along with isoflavones, can boost a woman’s libido naturally and without the dangerous side effects associated with pharmaceuticals like flibanserin. Mayo Clinic offers more information on these and other natural solutions.

While it is normal for libido to fluctuate during different stages of life, drastic and prolonged changes could signify an underlying issue that should be addressed. In such cases, consulting with a healthcare professional can help determine the root cause and develop an appropriate, individualized solution.