Boost Your Green Tea’s Cancer-Fighting Power with This Simple Trick

For years, green tea was considered the healthiest hot beverage option, with claims that it contained antioxidants and lowered the risk of diabetes, inflammation, and more. However, recent research suggests that black tea and even coffee also have health benefits, leading to a decrease in green tea sales.

Despite this slump, green tea still has one advantage over black tea and coffee: it’s packed with Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), a powerful antioxidant known for its anti-cancer properties. Green tea contains about four times more EGCG than black tea, while coffee has none. So, it’s still worth sipping on green tea for the health benefits of this antioxidant.

Bottled water boosts green tea’s antioxidant potential

A study from Cornell University discovered that brewing green tea with bottled water rather than tap water can double the EGCG content. The researchers speculate that the lack of minerals in bottled water contributes to this significant increase. Tap water contains minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, sodium, and copper, which prevent the efficient extraction of EGCG in the brewing process.

Robin Dando, study researcher, and associate professor of food science at Cornell, recommends using bottled water when brewing green tea for its health properties.

However, keep in mind that the extra antioxidants in green tea brewed with bottled water make it taste more bitter. In taste tests, participants preferred the flavor of green tea brewed with tap water. If you’re drinking green tea for its health benefits rather than taste, though, bottled water is the way to go.

Getting the most antioxidants (and health benefits) from each cup of green tea

In addition to using bottled water, there are other ways to increase the health benefits of green tea. Research has shown that microwaving your green tea can boost its antioxidant content. Furthermore, choosing organic tea is an important step because non-organic teas can be packed with pesticides, which have been linked to a negative effect on diabetes.

When brewing your green tea, it’s essential to consider the type of water you use, experiment with microwaving the tea, and opt for organic varieties. By making these choices, you can ensure that you’re getting the most health benefits from your daily cup of green tea.

A deeper look into EGCG

EGCG is the most effective cancer chemopreventive polyphenol in green tea, according to research published in Nutrients. It works by preventing reactive oxygen species (ROS) from damaging cells and DNA, which can lead to the development of cancer.

This powerful antioxidant has also been seen to inhibit the growth of cancer cells by blocking the formation of new blood vessels, which provide nutrients to cancerous tumors. It has even shown promise in helping to treat existing cancer by inducing cell death in cancerous cells.

EGCG has been specifically studied for its potential impact on breast, prostate, lung, and various other cancers. Some research suggests that it might be most effective at fighting specific cancer types when consumed in combination with other cancer-fighting compounds.

In addition to its cancer-fighting properties, EGCG has been found to have numerous other health benefits. It has anti-inflammatory, cardio-protective, and neuroprotective effects. It can help combat obesity by raising metabolism and reducing fat absorption, and it has even been linked to reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

To make the most of the health benefits provided by green tea and EGCG, be sure to choose organic tea, use bottled water, and experiment with microwaving your tea. By doing so, you can take advantage of the significant potential benefits this incredible antioxidant has to offer.