Clear the Air: What Is Electro Smog and How to Fight Cell Damage

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are present everywhere in our daily lives. They are emitted by electronic devices, power lines, high-definition televisions, and Bluetooth devices, to name just a few. This constant exposure to EMFs results in “electro smog,” an invisible fog in which we live. This article will explore what electro smog is, its effects on the human body, and solutions to reduce or manage our exposure.

Understanding Electro Smog

At its core, electro smog is the term used to describe the concentrated presence of EMFs in our environment. In other words, we are immersed in an invisible sea of electromagnetic radiation.

According to medical epidemiologist Samuel Milham, an increasing number of human health issues can be traced back to our exposure to EMFs, such as leukemia in children, female breast cancer, malignant melanomas, and immune system disorders.

How EMF Affects the Body

Our cells react negatively to the presence of EMFs, even at low levels. This results in a biochemical stress response that, over time, can lead to various diseases and health complications. Some of the numerous consequences associated with prolonged exposure to EMFs include:

  • Interference with the body’s intracellular communications and cell membrane function
  • Reduced hemoglobin surface area and hindered blood’s ability to transport nutrients
  • Activation of proto-oncogenes, which can lead to cancer
  • Increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier and intracerebral pressure, potentially leading to neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease
  • DNA breaks and chromosome aberrations
  • Increased free radical production, which can cause premature aging
  • Memory loss, learning impairment, headaches, and fatigue
  • Reduced melatonin secretion, responsible for sleep patterns and cancer protection
  • Heightened toxin production in the human body

Simple Solutions to Reduce EMF Overload

While we cannot completely avoid exposure to EMFs, we can take steps to reduce our daily exposure and reverse some of the cellular damage done by electro smog. Here are four simple solutions:

  1. Limit electronics use: Keep electronic devices such as cell phones, tablets, and laptops at a distance. Consider using wired devices instead of Bluetooth-enabled ones where possible. Opt for flat-screen monitors when using a desktop computer.

  2. Modify your home environment: Turn off your Wi-Fi at night and unplug appliances when not in use. Keep cell phones and other EMF-emitting items away from your bed or out of the bedroom. Use battery-powered alarm clocks and opt for incandescent bulbs or high-efficiency LEDs instead of fluorescent and halogen bulbs.

  3. Follow a high ORAC diet: Consume foods rich in free-radical fighting compounds to help protect and repair your cells. High ORAC foods include goji berries, dark chocolate, pecans, and spices like cinnamon and oregano.

  4. Get grounded: Reduce EMF radiation in your body by becoming “grounded.” You can use a grounding mat or practice “earthing,” which involves walking barefoot on the Earth. This enables the Earth’s free negative electrons to neutralize the harmful electric fields in our bodies.

In conclusion, it’s crucial to be aware of the risks associated with exposure to EMFs. By making simple adjustments to our electronic usage, home environment, diet, and daily habits, we can significantly decrease our exposure to electro smog and its potential health hazards.