Craft Your Health Destiny: Why Meaning Matters

Life is meaningless. And so is your health and wellbeing. Does that statement surprise you? Put you on the defensive? Let me explain …

Inherently, there is no meaning to life or the things that happen in it. Meaning is provided by each one of us individually. The same goes for health and wellbeing – they are inherently meaningless to everyone but the stakeholder. So you need to take control of your own health, and not leave it up to a doctor or a hospital.

Meaning and its impact on health

If you twist your ankle, the situation is meaningless—unless you apply meaning to it. For your doctor, the twisted ankle means nothing other than another examination and treatment. For you, the twisted ankle could be a simple inconvenience or even devastate your plans if you’re planning a trip or attending an important event.

The same applies to chronic illnesses and pain. No one cares more about your health and wellbeing than you do. To your healthcare provider, your condition is a problem to be solved or managed and nothing more. The reason many people are chronically ill or in chronic pain is because they don’t realize that their health issues are inherently meaningless to their doctors; yet they expect their doctors to “own” their problems and correct them.

Most types and causes of pain and ill health are preventable and stoppable by making changes to our lifestyles. We have it within our power to make changes that will prevent ill health and restore balance within a reasonable amount. We need to do this because our personal pains, illnesses, and diseases are meaningless to those from whom we seek medical help. Yet for us, there is great meaning.

Creating a better state of wellbeing

So, how can we take control of our health and create a better state of wellbeing overall? Here are some steps you can take:

1. Educate yourself: Read up on your health conditions and understand how they impact your life. Websites like WebMD and the Mayo Clinic offer reliable health information backed by experts.

2. Be proactive in seeking treatment: Find doctors and healthcare providers who are supportive of your goals. If you feel that your current provider isn’t addressing your concerns, consider seeking a second opinion.

3. Develop a self-care routine: Develop a routine that promotes overall wellbeing. This can include regular exercise, a balanced diet, adequate sleep, stress management, and taking time for hobbies or relaxing activities.

4. Set realistic goals: It’s essential to set achievable goals for your health journey. This could include losing weight, managing stress levels, or increasing mobility. Remember, your health is a work in progress, and you will face setbacks along the way.

5. Monitor your progress: Track your health progress through journaling or using health and wellness apps. This can help you identify patterns, celebrate achievements, and adjust your approach if needed.

6. Communicate with your healthcare providers: Maintain an open line of communication with your healthcare providers. This will ensure they are aware of your concerns and are able to adjust treatment plans accordingly.

7. Seek support from family and friends: The journey to better health is often made better by having a support system in place. Discuss your goals with those close to you and seek their encouragement and involvement.

8. Stay motivated: Remind yourself of the reasons why you want to improve your health and wellbeing. Recognize the progress you’ve made and celebrate your achievements.


By taking control of your health and wellbeing, you can create meaning in an inherently meaningless process. Understanding the impact of health conditions on your life and taking the necessary steps to address them can lead to a better state of overall wellness. By putting meaning into your health journey, you can avoid the slow and steady diminishing of your quality of life and overall wellbeing. So, consider your wellness condition and its possible meanings for you, then take the necessary steps to create a better state of wellbeing overall.