Discover the Secret Herbs That Keep Your Body in Perfect Balance

Searching for that one “best” product to improve your health can be overwhelming with the endless options available. From supplements to herbs, protein bars, and powders, how can we decide what works best for us? One category of natural products stands out and proves to be effective for nearly everyone – adaptogens.

What Makes a Product the “Best”?

Defining “best” is important before we crown a winning health product. A truly great product should do more than provide symptomatic relief. Instead, it should work on bringing the body back to its natural, balanced state of homeostasis to promote the body’s inherent ability to maintain this balance and resist stress.

The Power of Adaptogens

Adaptogens are unique because they are a “new class of metabolic regulators which increase the ability of an organism to adapt to environmental factors and to avoid damage from such factors.” They bring the body back to its naturally functioning state of homeostasis. When functioning at this level, the body can organically protect against and resolve the effects of internal and external stressors that result from disease, lifestyle choices, and daily activities.

Ancient Wisdom

Though the concept of adaptogenic herbs and plants is relatively new in the West, they have been documented and utilized in Asian traditional medicine for thousands of years. Chinese traditional medicine (TCM) classifies these herbal tonics as balancers of qi, or intrinsic energy, which maintains wellness when at the correct levels. Similarly, traditional Indian Ayurvedic healing also encompasses various adaptogenic herbs with principles similar to TCM tonics.

The Best Adaptogens to Choose

The most potent adaptogens can be subdivided into categories, and the strongest are found in the mushroom family, followed by the ginseng family and then general herbal families.

Mushroom Adaptogens: Codonopsis, Coryceps, Reishi, Chaga, Maitaki

Ginseng Adaptogens: Siberian, Panax, American

Plants, Roots, Barks, and Vines: Amla, Ashwaganda, Astragalus, Brahmi, Dang Quai (Angelica Root), Eleuthero, Eucommia Bark (Tu Chong), Guduchi, He Shou Wu, Holy Basil, Jiosgulan, Licorice, Lycium, Nettle Leaf, Nettle Root, Rhemannia, Rhodiola Rosea, Schisandra, Schisandra Chinensis, Shatavari, Shilajit, Slippery Elm Bark, Tulsi, Shih Hu, Rhaponticum, Milkthistle

Choosing the right adaptogen could depend on your symptoms. Although the goal of these products is not just symptomatic relief but bringing balance to the body, some offer more rapid relief of specific symptoms than others while working on restoring balance. Research each of these adaptogens to better understand their symptomatic uses and make an informed decision based on your individual needs.

Restoring Balance

Adaptogens can restore balance to the body in a natural way and can be used long term without any known side effects. They don’t suppress or stimulate bodily functions, so potential side effects aren’t a concern. Adaptogens can be added to your diet through food preparation, brewed in teas, or taken as supplements.

If you’re looking for the “best” health product, adaptogens are worth considering. They offer balanced health and natural wellness that’s easily achievable. Explore your options, read up on the different adaptogens available, and discuss them with your healthcare provider or wellness practitioner to understand what may work best for you in your journey towards better health.