DIY Health: Why Being Your Own Doctor Could Be Your Best Coverage

Health insurance is a hot topic, but what if the best policy isn’t offered by insurance companies? What if the most effective policy is a do-it-yourself plan focusing on prevention and self-reliance instead of conventional medicine? Now, more than ever, it’s essential to take control of your health and well-being.

Conventional Medicine in America

The United States primarily focuses on treatments rather than identifying the root causes of diseases. Doctors typically prescribe expensive drugs to manage diseases for the long term, even though these do not provide a cure. Synthetic medications often have numerous side effects and can interfere with hormone communication, weaken the immune system, or cause autoimmune reactions and inflammation leading to chronic illnesses.

Conventional medicine fails to address the main causes of chronic illnesses:

  1. Stress: It adversely affects your daily life and weakens your immune system.
  2. Lack of exercise: Insufficient physical activity can contribute to various health issues.
  3. Poor diet: Consuming highly processed, refined, and unnatural foods can lead to health problems.
  4. Environmental toxins: Exposure to harmful chemicals found in everyday products can have detrimental impacts on your health.

The Cost of Conventional Medicine

It’s crucial to compare U.S. healthcare spending to other industrialized countries. In 2009, Americans spent 17.6% of GDP on medical care, far more than other countries such as the Netherlands (12%), France (11.8%), and Germany (11.6%). Despite this, American men have a lower life expectancy compared to various other countries.

In 2000, the World Health Organization ranked the United States 37th for the quality of overall health. With such vast expenditures, one would expect the U.S. to have the best medicine for preventing and reversing diseases while causing minimal harm.

Prescription Drug Mistakes and Risks

In addition to rising healthcare costs, prescription drug errors pose a significant issue. Over 1.5 million Americans are injured annually due to drug errors in hospitals, nursing homes, and doctor’s offices. According to MSNBC, even though efforts have been made to improve hospital care, each hospitalized patient is still subject to at least one medication error per day on average.

The Affordable Care Act

Though the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act provides healthcare coverage and protection from insurance company abuses, it doesn’t do much to prevent diseases. There is little emphasis on moving away from conventional drugs and surgery, focusing instead on self-reliance.

For instance, the preventive medicine services covered by the act often only cover tests that detect conditions after they have already developed into diseases; they do not detect early trends of disease development. The act also does little in encouraging Americans to understand and adopt the principles of real health and wellness.

A New Perspective on Health

It’s time to take a more fundamental approach to health and healthcare by examining disease prevention rather than treating existing conditions. As German physician Franz Mesmer once said, “In the beginning, disease is difficult to recognize but easy to cure. In the end, disease is easy to recognize but difficult to cure.” Why wait until you have a disease when you can discover and address it much earlier?

By adopting a healthy lifestyle, you can free yourself from dependence on the medical system. You’ll no longer have to deal with hefty doctor bills, harmful prescription drugs, or preventable diseases.

Taking control of your health and consciously avoiding dependence on conventional medicine and insurance companies is the ultimate form of “coverage.” By focusing on disease prevention and maintaining a balanced lifestyle, you can minimize your risk of future illness and experience true health and wellness.