Ease Your Nerves Naturally: Surprising Ways to Soothe Nerve Pain Without Pills

Certain types of headaches, neck pain, back pain, fibromyalgia, and sciatica all have a common root cause of their pain: overactive nerves. Neuropathic pain is a common ailment that most people experience at some point in their lives. While NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and prescription medications are popular treatments, they come with a range of side effects. So, let’s explore natural alternatives to soothe nerve pain effectively.

Common Causes Of Nerve Pain

Neuropathy is a painful condition that affects the peripheral nervous system, which includes the sensory, motor, and autonomic nerves. When these nerves become dysfunctional through injury, disease, or other conditions, you may experience numbness or tingling in your fingers and toes. This pain can worsen and change into a burning sensation.

For some people, the root cause of nerve problems may remain unknown, even after an injury is believed to be healed. To help alleviate nerve pain, consider the role of essential nutrients, herbal supplements, exercise, and bodywork.

Bodywork Therapy

Correcting spinal and muscular imbalances is a good way to start treating neuropathic pain. Chiropractic and massage therapy can have significant benefits.

Chiropractic works effectively for neuropathic pain because of its focus on the spine. When nerve function falters, symptoms include muscle spasms, trigger points, peripheral neuropathy, sciatica, numbness, tingling, and burning pain. Chiropractors aim to return the spine to its normal functioning state by applying specific spinal adjustments.

Massage therapy can relieve muscle spasms and inflammation by removing stagnation of body fluids like blood and lymph and improving their circulation in dysfunctional muscles and tissues. Combining massage and chiropractic is a good choice for pain relief.

Nutrients And Supplements

Deficiency in essential nutrients, especially magnesium, can be another cause of nerve pain. According to The Journal of Physiology, magnesium decreases nerve pain by calming the neurotransmitter NMDA. Chelated magnesium, taken at 500 mg per day, has shown strong absorption and alleviation for nerve pain, headaches, and muscle spasms.

Herbal supplements such as Devil’s Claw (harpagophytum) and Burdock (Arctium lappa) have anti-inflammatory properties, as do Vitamin D3 and turmeric. German chamomile (Matricaria recutita) and the Zanthoxylums (toothache tree and Hercules’ club) can help reduce spasms and inflammation.

Energy And Exercise

Boosting your energy levels can help prevent and relieve neuropathic pain naturally. Acupuncture is one way to achieve this. It involves inserting fine filaments (needles) into the skin at specific points along meridians or energy channels. These needles help draw in bioelectric energy into the body to normalize energy, blood flow, and nerve signals by correcting energetic imbalances.

Physical exercise is another natural, no-cost way to relieve nerve pain. A study in the June 2012 issue of the journal Anesthesia & Analgesia shows that exercise can significantly reduce neuropathic pain by reducing levels of inflammation-causing substances called cytokines. Exercise is thought to boost levels of a protein called HSP27 (heat shock protein-27), which can reduce cytokines’ levels and hence nerve pain.

Consider Your Options

Unfortunately, not all causes of nerve pain are fully understood, and medical treatments often involve potentially harmful drug therapies. However, there are natural, low-cost alternatives to explore. Talk to your physician about the options discussed or consult with a local chiropractor, massage therapist, acupuncturist, herbalist, or nutritionist to learn about their experience in working with neuropathic pain. Going the natural route, wherever possible, could prove to be beneficial.