Feeling Off Your Game? This Quick Quiz Might Reveal Why!

Low energy? Loss of interest in sex? These could be signs of low testosterone. Take the quiz below to see if you have any of the symptoms. In the last three to seven years, have you noticed any of the following changes?

  • Diagnosis of low testosterone by a physician
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Decreased frequency and quality of erections
  • Loss of strength or muscle mass
  • Weight gain of more than ten pounds
  • Difficulty maintaining a stable weight
  • Decreased energy levels
  • Reduced need to shave
  • Feeling less engaged and excited about your career, family, or hobbies

If you’ve been trying to conceive, have you and your partner had a difficult time becoming pregnant, or have you been diagnosed with a low sperm count? Have you noticed:

  • Decreased mental sharpness and focus
  • Worsening mood
  • Diagnosis of diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol
  • Routinely sleeping less than seven hours a night
  • Frequent feelings of stress, anxiety, and being overwhelmed
  • Avoidance of exercise
  • Consumption of soy products (tofu, soymilk, protein powders containing soy) more than once a week

Also, consider your exposure to environmental toxins:

  • Drinking out of plastic bottles containing BPA
  • Consuming foods with environmental toxins, such as inorganic meats
  • Using self-care products with environmental toxins (check for unpronounceable chemical names, particularly in shampoo)
  • Avoiding social situations, especially those involving meeting new people
  • Eating a low-carb or low-fat diet

Any “yes” answers to questions 1-13 suggest that your testosterone levels may be dropping or have dropped. “Yes” answers to questions 14-22 indicate that you may be at risk of causing your T levels to decline.

What can you do to boost your testosterone?

Don’t panic. There are several ways to boost your testosterone levels and feel like yourself again. Here are some ideas:

Cold Therapy: While there is currently no scientific evidence to support the use of cold therapy for boosting testosterone or treating low T, there is some anecdotal evidence. For example, a three-year study of 6,455 men found that sperm volume, quality, and motility were significantly higher during the winter months. Since the same hormones involved in sperm production affect testosterone, it’s possible that cold may also help increase testosterone levels. You might try an ice bath or cold showers to see if they help.

Selected Supplements: While many supplements claiming to boost testosterone don’t live up to their promises, there are a few that have been shown to help. Some of these natural supplements include beta-sitosterol, branched-chain amino acids, fenugreek, green tea extract, magnesium, vitamin D, and zinc. Be aware that individual results may vary, and it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before taking any supplement.

Frequent Sexual Activity: Engaging in sexual activity more often can help raise testosterone levels, as shown by a study in which men who had recently engaged in sex saw a 72% increase in testosterone levels. This supports the idea that regular sexual activity may promote higher testosterone production.

Additional Resources: For more tips and information on how to boost low testosterone naturally, consider checking out resources like the book “Your New Prime: 30 Days to Better Sex, Eternal Strength, and a Kick-Ass Life After 40.” and reputable, high-authority health websites, such as WebMD and Healthline.

Remember, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your lifestyle or taking new supplements. Each person is different, and what works for one may not work for another. However, making an effort to improve your overall well-being and being proactive about addressing potential issues with your testosterone levels is a great step in the right direction.