Finding Hope on Wheels: A Doctor’s Journey to Reverse Her Own MS

Imagine sitting in a doctor’s office, being told that you have an incurable chronic disease. It sounds devastating, but what if the word “incurable” isn’t as final as it seems? What if there were a way to halt the progression or even reverse many of these diseases, such as Parkinson’s, lupus, fibromyalgia, or multiple sclerosis (MS)? The key to this miraculous transformation lies in something simple yet powerful: optimizing your diet and lifestyle. Let me share with you my own personal journey and how it has transformed not only my life but the lives of countless others.

Fighting back against multiple sclerosis
I was diagnosed with secondary progressive MS, which eventually put me in a tilt-recline wheelchair in 2003. As a professor of medicine at the University of Iowa, I saw the limitations of conventional medicine when it came to treating these devastating conditions. Doctors told me that once the disease had progressed to a certain point, functions once lost were gone forever. Despite this bleak prognosis, I refused to give up.

Instead, I began to read the basic science research and experimented on myself based on what I learned. The results surprised everyone, myself included. Instead of continuing to decline, I reversed my own MS symptoms. Within a year of adopting a dietary and lifestyle program specifically designed for my brain, I went from being unable to sit up in a regular chair to completing an 18-mile bike tour with my family.

Transforming lives with diet and lifestyle changes
This incredible transformation reshaped my entire approach to medicine and research. I now work in a traumatic brain injury and therapeutic lifestyle clinic, where I use the dietary and lifestyle changes that restored my health to help others recover from traumatic brain injuries, post-traumatic stress disorder, and complex chronic health issues like obesity, diabetes, chronic pain, and autoimmune disorders.

Time and time again, we see the same dramatic improvements in our patients: normalized blood pressure and blood sugar, reduced pain, improved moods, increased energy, and even the lessening or disappearance of autoimmune symptoms. Many patients can reduce or eliminate medications altogether, while others see their chronic health issues diminish so much that they can discontinue immune-suppression drugs and begin to thrive again.

The power of targeted dietary and lifestyle interventions
The research papers we’re publishing continue to show the powerful effects of these interventions not only for MS but for a wide range of neurodegenerative diseases and other chronic conditions. One such example is the treatment of MS-related fatigue, where our approach has been shown to reduce fatigue more significantly than any other intervention ever reported.

Our other papers in development focus on improvements in walking ability, mood and cognitive function, and even changes on brain MRIs. The evidence is clear: dietary and lifestyle changes can and do make a real difference in fighting these so-called incurable diseases.

The reach extends far beyond MS
The benefits of targeted diet and lifestyle interventions are not limited to MS patients. In our clinics, we have successfully used these techniques to improve a wide range of conditions including mental health issues, neurological problems, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and autoimmune problems. The simple act of teaching people how to nourish their cells effectively and optimize their lifestyle can lead to incredible shifts towards better health at a fundamental, cellular level.

Takeaways for improving chronic health problems
The implications of these findings are staggering. By optimizing our diet and lifestyle, we can halt and even reverse many previously “incurable” chronic diseases, including Parkinson’s disease, traumatic brain injury, neuropathy, diabetes, obesity, lupus, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue, and multiple sclerosis. Every day, people living with these conditions are taking control of their health and transforming their lives by embracing the power of targeted dietary and lifestyle interventions.

If you want to learn more about my work and research, explore Don’t allow an incurable diagnosis to define your life; take control and lead a healthier, happier life by optimizing your diet and lifestyle today.