Gum disease (periodontitis) can often lead to tooth loss or damage to the jaw bone. However, recent research shows that more severe consequences can result from untreated periodontitis. It suggests that gum disease can significantly increase the risk of developing tongue cancer. This link may come as a surprise to those that have not considered the oral disease’s effect on the rest of the body. The research from the University at Buffalo and the Roswell Park Cancer Institute demonstrated that untreated periodontitis could increase the likelihood of tongue cancer five-fold for every millimeter of jaw bone lost.
Researcher Mine Tezal explains that while the association between chronic infections and cancer risk in other organs was expected, the results of the study were still surprising due to the small sample size. The study involved a comparison between the mouths of 50 men with tongue cancer and those of 50 men without cancer, with periodontitis proving to have a strong correlation with cancer development.
Tezal points out that periodontitis is a slow-progressing disease, and visible bone loss on X-rays indicates that the infection has been present for decades. This observation demonstrates that if periodontitis is properly treated and managed, it can significantly reduce the chance of cancer development later in life.
Understanding Gum Disease
Before diving into the connection between gum disease and tongue cancer, it is essential to understand what gum disease is. Periodontitis, commonly known as gum disease, is an infection that damages the gums and bone that hold teeth in place. The disease tends to develop from the buildup of plaque and tartar on teeth, leading to the gums becoming inflamed and swollen. Poor oral hygiene is a significant contributor to the development of gum disease, allowing bacteria to develop and harm the gums and bone. The presence of harmful bacteria puts the body at risk for more severe issues, including cancer.
The Link Between Gum Disease and Tongue Cancer
While it may seem unlikely, the connection between gum disease and tongue cancer is based on the body’s reaction to these diseases. Both periodontitis and cancer involve inflammation, which is the body’s natural response to fighting infection and healing injuries. However, when inflammation becomes long-term or chronic, it can cause damage across the body.
For instance, chronic low-grade inflammation can increase the risk of stroke and heart disease. In the case of gum disease, chronic inflammation can spread bacteria from the mouth to the rest of the body through the blood or respiratory system, further increasing the risk of various health issues.
Periodontitis and tongue cancer share similarities in the inflammatory response they elicit. Persistent inflammation puts the body in a vulnerable state, allowing cancerous cells to grow and thrive. This connection between inflammation and cancer underscores the importance of addressing the root cause – in this case, gum disease – to mitigate the risk of developing cancer later in life.
Preventing Gum Disease and Protecting Your Health
The prevention and management of gum disease are an essential aspect of ensuring a healthy body and lower cancer risk. The following steps can help to maintain good oral hygiene and prevent periodontitis from taking root:
- Brush and floss teeth daily: Maintaining a daily routine of brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing once a day helps remove plaque and bacteria from your teeth and gum line.
- Use an antibacterial mouthwash: An antibacterial mouthwash can play a critical role in killing harmful bacteria in your mouth.
- Regular dental checkups: Schedule routine dental checkups and cleanings every six months to monitor your oral health and address any concerns before they become severe problems.
Avoid tobacco products: Smoking or using smokeless tobacco increases the risk of gum disease and other health issues.
Limit sugary and acidic foods: Consuming excessive amounts of sugary or acidic foods can contribute to tooth decay and an increased risk of gum disease.
By taking these steps to prevent gum disease, you can significantly lower your risk of tongue cancer and other severe health problems. The importance of maintaining good oral health extends beyond just a bright smile; it plays a significant role in protecting the rest of your body from the complications that can arise from untreated periodontitis.